Round Corners 圆角—RS节点编辑器内容—Redshift红移中文帮助文档手册 - RS中文帮助Redshift汉化文档红移渲染器中文帮助 - C4D之家-WWWC4D.CN

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Round Corners 圆角

Introduction 引言

The traditional method for adding bevels to a mesh is through the 3d app's modelling tools. However, depending on the 3d app, this can be a laborious process, can introduce a lot of extra geometry and requires even more work to handle cases where multiple objects intersect each other.
Redshift's Round Corners shading node produces a shading effect that simulates the look of round beveled edges but without introducing extra geometry. It can also work with intersections of objects, as shown in the images below.

传统的在网格上添加斜面的方法是通过3 d 应用程序的建模工具。然而,依赖于3 d 应用程序,这可能是一个费力的过程,可以引入大量额外的几何体,并需要更多的工作来处理多个对象相互交叉的情况。红移的圆角阴影节点产生一个阴影效果,模拟的外观圆的斜边,但没有引入额外的几何。它也可以处理物体的交叉点,如下图所示。

C4D周练作业-Round Corners 圆角—RS节点编辑器内容—Redshift红移中文帮助文档手册-C4D之家 WWW.C4D.CN

Wireframe view of the scene


C4D周练作业-Round Corners 圆角—RS节点编辑器内容—Redshift红移中文帮助文档手册-C4D之家 WWW.C4D.CN

C4D周练作业-Round Corners 圆角—RS节点编辑器内容—Redshift红移中文帮助文档手册-C4D之家 WWW.C4D.CN

Without round corners 没有圆角 With round corners 有圆角的





This controls the size of the bevel. Larger values will produce larger bevels. Since the Round Corners node is a shading trick, it can't represent very wide bevels so we advise using relatively small values to avoid any potential visual artifacts. More information about this can be found below.


Num samples


Round Corners works by shooting rays to 'discover' edges and corners. The 'Num samples' setting controls how many of these probing rays will be used. Larger values will produce smoother results, especially around corners but this will come at the cost of longer render times. We recommend starting with the default value of 6 and only increasing if absolutely necessary.


Round Corners Example


Using the Round Corners node is very simple: all you have to do is connect the node to the lighting shader's 'bump' input, as shown below.

使用圆角节点非常简单: 所有你需要做的就是连接节点到照明着色器的凹凸输入,如下所示。

If the object is already using bump mapping, you'll need to use Redshift's Bump Blender node to combine your previous bump map with the round corners node.


In the images below, you can see how this works in Maya. The settings should be identical for all other 3d apps.

在下面的图片中,你可以看到这在玛雅是如何工作的。其他所有3 d 应用程序的设置应该是一样的。

C4D周练作业-Round Corners 圆角—RS节点编辑器内容—Redshift红移中文帮助文档手册-C4D之家 WWW.C4D.CN

We mix a fractal bump map with a round corners node, via a bump blender node


C4D周练作业-Round Corners 圆角—RS节点编辑器内容—Redshift红移中文帮助文档手册-C4D之家 WWW.C4D.CN

For this example, we used the bump blender's "additive mode"


C4D周练作业-Round Corners 圆角—RS节点编辑器内容—Redshift红移中文帮助文档手册-C4D之家 WWW.C4D.CN

And here's the result!


Artifacts and Limitations


Since the Round Corners shading node is essentially a shading trick, there can be cases where it will fail. Here we explore the most common problematic cases.


Effect of radius


When the radius setting is pushed too much, the resultant image will exhibit artifacts that have to do with the number of samples or with lighting. Below we see how the low (default) num samples produce what appear to be triangular artifacts.

当半径设置被推得太多时,结果图像将展示与样本数量或光照有关的人工制品。下面我们将看到低(默认) num 样本是如何产生看起来像是三角形构件的。

C4D周练作业-Round Corners 圆角—RS节点编辑器内容—Redshift红移中文帮助文档手册-C4D之家 WWW.C4D.CN

C4D周练作业-Round Corners 圆角—RS节点编辑器内容—Redshift红移中文帮助文档手册-C4D之家 WWW.C4D.CN

C4D周练作业-Round Corners 圆角—RS节点编辑器内容—Redshift红移中文帮助文档手册-C4D之家 WWW.C4D.CN

Radius 0.05. Looks ok.


Radius 0.1. Still looks ok but some small artifacts appear near corners.


Radius 0.3. Notice the visible triangular artifacts near the corners.


The triangular artifacts can be helped with a larger 'num samples' settings. However, even then, a large radius setting creates a situation where the lighting/reflection rays are 'rounded' but are getting blocked by the mesh which still has sharp corners and edges! When this happens some edges might not look rounded, as shown below.


C4D周练作业-Round Corners 圆角—RS节点编辑器内容—Redshift红移中文帮助文档手册-C4D之家 WWW.C4D.CN

C4D周练作业-Round Corners 圆角—RS节点编辑器内容—Redshift红移中文帮助文档手册-C4D之家 WWW.C4D.CN

Default 6 samples


Increased to 32 samples which helps but some edges still don't look 'round'


If you bump into this issue, switching to traditional beveling methods might be a better choice for your scene or object. 如果你碰到这个问题,切换到传统的坡口方法可能是一个更好的选择为您的场景或对象

Another issue that can happen with round corners is with intersecting objects producing 'inner' (hidden) or near-coplanar polygons.
In the following example the hidden sides of the cubes are 'tricking' the round corners algorithm into thinking that there are corners there.


C4D周练作业-Round Corners 圆角—RS节点编辑器内容—Redshift红移中文帮助文档手册-C4D之家 WWW.C4D.CN

C4D周练作业-Round Corners 圆角—RS节点编辑器内容—Redshift红移中文帮助文档手册-C4D之家 WWW.C4D.CN

Two cubes, exactly side-by-side


Inner (hidden) polygons producing false edges


The only solution in this case, is to delete the hidden polygons or boolean the objects together.


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Round Corners 圆角—RS节点编辑器内容—Redshift红移中文帮助文档手册