52小时112GB超级韩语C4D好莱坞特效前期设计后期合成高级视频教程Mastering C4D: A Step-by-Step Guide to Unleashing Your Potential 

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视频教程 /[高级教程]
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52小时112GB超级韩语C4D好莱坞特效前期设计后期合成高级视频教程Mastering C4D: A Step-by-Step Guide to Unleashing Your Potential - C4D之家 - us-motiongraphic-c4dadvacnce-benefit-02.jpg 这是一套由三位专业C4D艺术家Woosung Kang、Gryun Kim和Taehoon Park主讲的Cinema 4D高级教程。课程以制作一部名为"WAI"的科幻短片为主线,全面讲解了从前期设计到后期合成的整个3D制作流程。教程总时长超过52小时,包含106个视频,配有英语和韩语字幕。整个教程包共112GB,其中C4D工程文件就占了80GB,可见内容之丰富。课程的核心目标是帮助学员掌握好莱坞级别的C4D制作技巧,独立完成高质量的短片作品。通过跟随三位导师完成"WAI"短片的制作过程,学员可以全方位提升C4D技能,包括视觉设计、KitBash建模、角色绑定、动作捕捉动画以及高质量纹理和合成等。这些都是当前业界广泛使用的先进技术,掌握后可以极大提升作品质量和工作效率。
"WAI"短片讲述了一个AI机器人在人类行为自动化研究过程中开始产生身份困惑的故事。机器人在实验中出现类似人类记忆的幻觉,经过多年寻找自我身份的研究,最终偷偷注射了第一次实验的"WAI 00"胶囊后觉醒。这个故事背景为课程提供了丰富的创作素材,学员可以在此基础上发挥想象力,创作出独特的视觉效果。
除了理论讲解,课程还提供了大量实用的练习文件和资源包。这些材料总容量达到惊人的107GB,包括免费的KitBash源文件、动作捕捉数据、自定义绑定相机、Merk Vilson的C4D文件等。此外还有程序化建模资产包、纹理和灯光贴图、2D源文件等。这些资源不仅可以帮助学员更好地完成课程练习,还可以在今后的实际项目中继续使用,极大地提高工作效率。
52小时112GB超级韩语C4D好莱坞特效前期设计后期合成高级视频教程Mastering C4D: A Step-by-Step Guide to Unleashing Your Potential - C4D之家 - photo-collage.jpg
软件操作方面,课程涵盖了Cinema 4D的各个模块,包括建模、材质、动画、渲染等。学员将学习如何高效使用C4D的各项功能,如何优化工作流程,以及如何解决实际工作中遇到的各种技术难题。此外,课程还介绍了一些常用的第三方插件和工具,帮助学员进一步扩展C4D的功能,提高工作效率。
52小时112GB超级韩语C4D好莱坞特效前期设计后期合成高级视频教程Mastering C4D: A Step-by-Step Guide to Unleashing Your Potential - C4D之家 - photo-collage-(1).jpg
Class Details
Now Available
Total 106 videos, 52Hours 7Minutes
English, Traditional Chinese [Auto], Spanish [Auto]
Class materials included

Take a giant leap forward and maximize your abilities to create life-changing work.
Do you wish to independently produce short films with a Hollywood quality?

Are you having trouble locating the right place to acquire advanced C4D skills?
Look no farther if you want to further your career or if your goal is to work at an international studio. Work on the "Sci-Fi Short Film: WAI" project and gain practical knowledge of the whole production process from three C4D artists: Woosung Kang, Gryun Kim, and Taehoon Park.

This class will walk you through the process of developing visually striking designs, using KitBash to create spaces and objects, character rigging, motion capture animation, and compositing in addition to high-quality texturing. Improve your C4D skills, produce unique pieces, and include them in your portfolio.

Class Perks
Get These Coloso Exclusives

Class Perks

Unlimited Access to 50+ Hrs & 100+ Chapters of Content
Class Perks

Essential Techniques for C4D Artwork from Professional Artists
Class Perks

Study Material Files Used in Class Exercises

Class Material Details

Essential Source Files
- Free KitBash source
- BSM 50% discount
- Motion capture data
- Custom rigging camera
- Merk Vilson cinema 4D
- Plugin 50% discount
- Video footage
Significant Exercise Files
- Production reference links
- Pre-production reference links
- Ae compositing files
- Placeholder 3D files
- Animation files
- Layout files
- C4D files
Key Asset Bundles
- Prodcedure Modeling Asset Kit
- Texture png files
- Lighting png files
- 2D source files
- Drawer file
- Pipe file
- Wire file

An AI robot, created during research that aimed to automate human behaviors, begins to experience identity confusion during the experiments as it starts to see hallucinations resembling human memories.
After years of research to find his identity, the robot finally awakens after secretly self-injecting the “WAI 00” capsule, the result of the first experiment ...
* Illustrated above is a sample of an exercise actually done in class.
Tips on C4D Production to Bring Out Your Skills
Discover effective procedures and techniques for producing excellent 3D work, as well as typical errors and how to fix them with expert C4D Artists.
Coloso 연사명 Introduction
How to Use KitBash and Assets to Increase the Efficiency of your Project
Learn how to use KitBash and footage, widely used in practice to quickly improve the quality of projects, as well as how to create assets from scratch for more effective and higher-quality results.
Coloso 연사명 Introduction
More Useful Sources and Hands-on Exercise Files Than Ever
Students receive exclusive access to a wide range of practice exercise files and asset bundles. Motion capture data, procedural object modeling kit, custom rig camera, and sample files for placeholder 3D for the best possible output are all available.
Take a giant leap forward and maximize your abilities to create life-changing work.
Do you wish to independently produce short films with a Hollywood quality?
Are you having trouble locating the right place to acquire advanced C4D skills?
Look no farther if you want to further your career or if your goal is to work at an international studio. Work on the "Sci-Fi Short Film: WAI" project and gain practical knowledge of the whole production process from three C4D artists: Woosung Kang, Gryun Kim, and Taehoon Park.
This class will walk you through the process of developing visually striking designs, using KitBash to create spaces and objects, character rigging, motion capture animation, and compositing in addition to high-quality texturing. Improve your C4D skills, produce unique pieces, and include them in your portfolio.

Sci-Fi City Design Know-how
Create the layout for a dystopian and futuristic city, the easy and simple way. Use KitBash assets and the basic features of C4D and octane to easily create the main building and fog effects.
Coloso illustration Class Details
Creating the Face and Outfit of the Character
Utilize various scanned data and assets in character design, and advance through the processes of texturing, shading, and sculpting. Then, create the character's outfit using Marvelous Designer’s Auto-Fit feature.
Coloso illustration Class Details
Rigging for Character Animation
Discover how to incorporate motion capture data in animating humanoid characters, integrate it into the rigging process, and customize the animations. Then, prepare for cloth simulation.

Assets for Detail-Filled Shots
Employ procedural modeling with nodes to generate your own assets, modify each object using the controller, and incorporate as many 2D source effects as desired.
Coloso illustration Class Details
Octane Texturing and Lighting Techniques
Acquire skills in realistic texturing and atmosphere-enhancing lighting techniques through a range of exercises that have been tailored for diverse scenarios. As well, discover techniques you can use to swiftly enhance scene quality.
Coloso illustration Class Details
Mechanics Animation
Explore a wide array of practical animation techniques, focusing on frequently used mechanics animations in real-world scenarios, to enhance your skills and ideas in the field of mechanics animation.

Pre-visualization and Camera Direction Workflow
Gain insights into pre-visualization, a valuable tool for organizing your work and creating seamless shot transitions. Master dynamic custom rig camera animation and a range of editing techniques to refine the finer details, applying these skills as needed to bring your project concept to life.
Coloso illustration Class Details
Basic and Applied C4D Simulations by Type
After mastering the foundations of the X-Particles plugin and the new Pyro feature in C4D 2023, which will significantly enhance your C4D particle simulations, apply the skills you have gained to the scenes in your project.
Coloso illustration Class Details
Compositing Using After Effects
Discover techniques for multipass rendering and utilizing Z-depth and 2D sources in compositing to achieve the highest quality, ensuring satisfying results for your 3D motion graphics project.


教程格式: MP4 
教程语言: 其它
包含工程: 包含工程 
教程性质: 优质教程
教程作者: cinema4d
教程来源: www.c4d.cn/c4dtutorial.html
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