CityRig 2.0是一款功能强大的城市建模插件,可以在Cinema 4D中快速创建逼真的城市场景。它通过网格系统和多种选择标签来构建城市,包括建筑、道路、公园、河流等元素,让用户能够轻松设计出复杂的城市布局。CityRig 2.0的核心是一个可自定义的网格系统,用户可以使用7种不同的选择标签来设计城市布局:建筑、主要道路、辅路、大型弯道、公园、河流以及删除标签。使用时,首先需要选择"CityRig 2.0"图层,然后双击所需的选择标签进行编辑。按住Shift键并点击鼠标可以添加选择区域。建筑选择标签决定了建筑物的大小,通过选择不同数量的标签(白点)可以创建不同规模的建筑。例如,选择1个标签会创建最小的"S"级建筑(280x280面积);选择2个标签创建"M"级建筑(560x280面积);4个标签创建"L"级建筑(560x560面积);8个标签创建"XL"级建筑(1120x560面积);16个标签创建"XXL"级建筑(1120x1120面积)。系统还会自动在较大建筑旁边创建"XS"级小型建筑。用户可以通过"Show Outlines"选项显示建筑矩阵,方便进行规划。
CityRig 2.0提供了丰富的设置选项,让用户能够对城市场景进行精细化调整。用户可以开启或关闭各种元素的显示,随机重新排列建筑标签(街道和河流保持不变),定义城市网格的大小,根据克隆ID和角度重新排列建筑实例(而不是根据城市布局本身),使用MoGraph颜色效果为相应的着色器设置颜色。此外,还可以调整道路、河流和公园的其他设置,如汽车数量、树木数量、公园中山丘的高度(负值表示小型池塘)、汽车的前后移动(适用于短动画)等。
CityRig 2.0的纹理设置允许用户手动替换所有建筑和表面纹理。3D资产(如树木)有自己的纹理,不受此设置影响。纹理的结构由括号中的数字表示,例如(5x5)表示纹理被分成5x5的网格,每个网格元素对应一个建筑。这样,只使用一个纹理就可以获得5x5更高的变化,避免所有屋顶都使用相同的纹理。
除了建筑物,城市还包括其他可替换的元素,如建筑周围的树木、街道两旁的树木、公园中的树木、交通信号灯、街道标志、路灯(单/双)、道路标记和汽车。这些对象都会自动集成到城市中,并位于CityRig 2对象内的"Asset Folder"中。
CityRig 2.0提供了丰富的预设内容,包括一个带有octane着色器的C4D文件和一个带有标准着色器的C4D文件(标准版和Redshift版本即将推出,并将免费更新)。这些C4D文件包含以下内容:71个不同大小的高分辨率建筑、51个低多边形建筑、河流和街道模块、10个带有AI生成纹理的低多边形交通标志和交通信号灯、16个带纹理的低多边形树木和灌木、5个低多边形棕榈树和蕨类植物、4个低多边形汽车。纹理方面包括各种地面、人行道、街道、草地和混凝土纹理,以及一个4096x4096像素的广告牌纹理(包含177个广告)。
使用CityRig 2.0,用户可以轻松创建出丰富多样的城市场景。通过调整建筑选择标签,可以快速生成不同规模的建筑群,从小型建筑到大型摩天大楼应有尽有。道路系统的灵活性使得用户可以设计出复杂的城市道路网络,包括主干道、辅路和大型弯道。公园和河流的添加为城市增添了自然元素,提高了场景的真实感和美观度。删除标签的存在也为用户提供了更多自由度,可以在城市中添加自定义的3D资产或特殊建筑。
CityRig 2.0的一大亮点是其高度的可定制性。用户可以通过各种设置选项对城市的每个方面进行微调。例如,可以调整建筑的随机排列,改变城市网格的大小,自定义建筑、道路、公园和河流的颜色等。这些设置使得用户能够创造出独特的城市风貌,满足不同项目的需求。特别是对于动画制作,CityRig 2.0还提供了如调整汽车位置等细节设置,方便制作短动画。
纹理系统的设计也非常巧妙。通过使用网格化的纹理结构,CityRig 2.0能够用单一纹理创造出丰富的视觉变化。这不仅提高了场景的多样性,还有效地控制了文件大小和渲染时间。用户还可以根据需要替换任何纹理,进一步提升场景的独特性。
CityRig 2.0提供的预设内容非常丰富,包括大量的建筑模型、街道元素和自然物体。这些预设不仅数量可观,质量也很高,包括高分辨率和低多边形版本,满足不同渲染需求。特别值得一提的是,它还包含了AI生成的纹理,为场景增添了更多细节和真实感。
CityRig 2.0是一款功能全面、灵活性高的城市建模工具。它能够帮助用户在短时间内创建出复杂、逼真的城市场景,适用于建筑可视化、影视制作、游戏开发等多个领域。无论是大规模的城市规划还是细节丰富的街道场景,CityRig 2.0都能胜任。它不仅提供了直观的操作方式,还通过丰富的设置选项和预设内容,为用户提供了无限的创作可能性。从整体布局到细节处理,从建筑群到自然元素,CityRig 2.0都能让用户轻松掌控,创造出令人印象深刻的城市景观。对于Cinema 4D用户来说,CityRig 2.0无疑是一个极具价值的插件,能够大大提高工作效率,同时不牺牲创意自由和最终效果的质量。无论是专业的3D艺术家还是城市规划师,都能从这个强大的工具中受益,创造出令人惊叹的城市场景。
CityRig2.0 consists of a grid that can be designed with the help of currently 7 different selection tags.
Side roads
Big Curves
For editing, it is important to first select the 'CityRig2.0' layer, followed by a double-click on the desired selection tag.
To add selections, press shift+mouse click.To
Buildings Selection-Tag
The size of the buildings is determined by collectively marked tags (white dots). You can simply display the building matrix by selecting 'Show Outlines'.
For example, with only one selected tag, the smallest building 'S' will be created.
1 Tag: S-Area 280x280
2 Tags: M-Area 560x280
4 Tags: L-Area 560x560
8 Tags: XL-Area 1120x560
16 Tags: XXL-Area 1120x1120
(XS buildings are automatically created adjacent to larger buildings)
Street Selection-Tags
You can use the road selection tags to create large roads, smaller side roads, and adjust the curves to create larger curves. The buildings adapt dynamically to these changes.
Park/River Selection-Tags
With the Park Selection Tag, you can create parks of various sizes, ranging from small to large. The larger the area, the more hills or lakes will be incorporated. You can customize the appearance and adjust the number of trees using the settings.
With the River Tag, you can draw a river through the city. Roads will automatically transform into bridges over it. You can adjust the water level in the settings.
Using the delete tag, you're able to remove the entire tile to add other 3D assets or buildings.
CityRig 2.0 Settings
(1) Toggle various elements on or off
(2) Rearrange the buildings tag randomly. streets and rivers remain unaffected (deactivate it to edit your city manually)
(3) Define the size of the city grid
(4) Building instances will be rearranged based on clone ID and angle, not the layout of the city itself.
(5) You can use the MoGraph Color Effect for the respective shaders. These colors can be modified here.
(6) Furthermore, you can adjust additional settings for the roads, rivers, and parks. For example, the number of cars, trees, the height of hills in the park (negative values represent small ponds), cars can be slightly moved forward and backward (useful for short animations), etc.
CityRig2.0 Texture Settings
All building and surface textures can be manually replaced here. 3D assets such as trees have their own textures and are not affected here.
The number in parentheses indicates how the texture should be structured.
For example, with (5x5), the texture is divided into a 5x5 grid. One element of this grid would be for one building. Thus, with just one texture, you get a 5x5 higher variance and not always the same texture for all roof.
CityRig2.0 Asset Folder
In addition to buildings, the city also comprises other elements that can be replaced:(1)
• Trees around buildings
• Trees along streets
• Trees in the park
• Traffic lights
• Street signs
• Streetlights (single/double)
• Road markings
• Cars
All objects are automatically integrated into the city and located in the 'Asset Folder'(2) within the CityRig2 object.
• 1x C4D file with octane shaders
• 1x C4D file with standard shaders
(Standard & Redshift Version coming soon and will be updated for free)
This c4d file contains the following content:
• 71x HighRes Buildings in different sizes.
• 51x Low-Poly Buildings
• River and street tiles
• 10x Low-poly traffic signs and traffic lights with AI generated textures
• 16x Low-poly trees and bushes with textures
• 5x Low-poly Palms and farns
• 4x Low-poly cars
• Different ground, pavement, street, grass and concrete textures
• 4096x4096px Advertisement/Billboard texture with 177 ads
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