C4D科技感三维地球连线地点定位预设Earth Builder Kit v1.0 [Cinema4d/Xpresso] 

2024-05-14 11:54 发布 | 作品版权归原作者所有,仅供参考学习,禁止商业使用!

C4D预设 /[模型预设]
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C4D科技感三维地球连线地点定位预设Earth Builder Kit v1.0 [Cinema4d/Xpresso] - C4D之家 - 未命名.jpg Earth Builder Kit 对于每个在Cinema 4D工作的动作设计师来说是一个新的有用工具。可以使用圆弧资源连接地球模型上的 2 个点,或使用另一个资源绘制多个圆弧。您可以更改曲率和扫描半径。向地图添加标签和图钉,使其信息更丰富。您可以随时更改标签上的文本。围绕土地和国家的样条线是手工精心绘制的。额外的几何元素将为您的地球模型添加漂亮的环。最重要的是,一组各种高分辨率纹理,例如漫反射和云、道路和城市、边界和位移。所有这些元素都可以在一个地方使用,即 Cinema 4D 中的资源浏览器。✔适用于所有渲染(标准、物理、octane、Arnold、RS渲染器等...) ✔
您将获得: 用弧线连接地球上 2 个点的资源、具有多个弧线的资源、表示边界的样条线、地球模型、额外几何体(6 件)、挤压土地轮廓、标签(4 件)、引脚(4张)、笔划划分陆地和水(2张)、不同类型的纹理(11张)

Cinema 4d 支持的版本:R20-2024
将 lib4d 文件复制到浏览器文件夹中

选择正确的 .zip 文件

Earth Builder Kit is a new helpful tool for every motion designer who works in Cinema.

Connect 2 points on an Earth model by using an arc asset or draw multiple arcs with another asset. You be able to change curvature and a sweep radius. Add labels and pins to your map to make it more informative. You can change the text on labels at any time.  Splines around land and countries were carefully drawn by hand. Extra geometry elements will add nice-looking rings around your earth model. And on top of all, a pack of various hi-res textures such as diffuse and clouds, roads and cities, borders, and displacement. All these elements are available in one place, the Asset browser in Cinema 4D.

✔ Works wirt all renders (Standart, Physical, Octane, Arnold, RS etc....) ✔

You will get: Asset that connects 2 points on the globe with an arc, an asset with multiple arcs, splines that represent the borders, an earth model, extra geometry (6 pcs), extruded land profile, labels (4 pcs), pins (4 pcs), strokes divided the land and water (2 pcs), different types of textures (11 pcs)


Cinema 4d supported versions: R20-2024

How to install and use R20-23...

    copy lib4d file inside your browser folder

    run c4d and open the Content Browser window

    drag and drop the asset into a scene

How to install and use in R24+...

    open Asset Browser

    tap Create and then Import Asset

    choose the proper .zip file

    drag and drop the asset into a scene


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