卡通毛绒小狗头像毛发制作C4D视频教程Patataschool Creating Hair in Cinema 4D 

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卡通毛绒小狗头像毛发制作C4D视频教程Patataschool Creating Hair in Cinema 4D - C4D之家 - 未命名.jpg C4D三维卡通小狗角色毛发头发创建教程Patataschool Creating Hair in Cinema 4D在本课程中,我们将涵盖C4D中头发创建的所有细节。您将学习诸如刷子、梳子和剪发等工具,以及如何调整材料属性,以获得适合不同发型的完美效果。 我们还将深入研究如何改变头发不同区域的颜色,以及如何准备完美的场景和模型添加头发。您将获得C4D文件,以供您参考,如果您遇到困难或想看看如何构建场景。
In this course we'll cover all the ins and outs of hair creation in C4D. You'll learn about tools like the brush, comb and cut, and how to adjust the material properties to get the perfect results for different hair styles. We'll also go in depth to look at how we can change the colour of different areas of hair, and how to prepare the perfect scene and model to add hair to.You'll be provided with the C4D file to refer back to if ever you get stuck or want to see how the scene is built.
00 Creating Hair in Cinema 4D.mp4
Making Hair.mp4.mp4
Files:Hair in C4D.c4d

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教程格式: MP4 
教程语言: 英文
包含工程: 包含工程 
教程性质: 优质教程
教程作者: cinema4d
教程来源: www.c4d.cn/c4dtutorial.html
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