10个女性商品包装宣传展示动画教程 Udemy – Cinema 4D Professional Product Commercial Animation 

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10个女性商品包装宣传展示动画教程 Udemy – Cinema 4D Professional Product Commercial Animation - C4D之家 - 未命名.jpg Cinema 4D Professional Product Commercial Animation是一个女性产品宣传展示教程,来自Udemy,共有13个章节,有产品建模、材质渲染和10个不同动画场景展示为例,全面讲解C4D中商业产品包装的整个流程,包括产品建模、贴图材质、动画渲染等。In this course, you will not only gain mastery in 3D animation but also learn to craft captivating commercials. Whether you’re a novice looking to enter the exciting world of commercial animation or an industry pro wanting to sharpen your skills, my course is designed to ignite your creativity and equip you with the knowledge needed to excel in this dynamic field.

1. Introduction.mp4

Modelling products
1. Product 1.1.mp4
2. product 1.2.mp4
3. Product 2.1.mp4
4. Product 2.2.mp4
5. Modeling products.html

1. Material overview.mp4
2. Subsurface material.mp4
3. Brass and metal material.mp4

Animation scene 1 Bubbles
1. Animation preview.mp4
2. Scene overview.mp4
3. Animating bubbles using Metaball.mp4
4. Creating the small water bubbles.mp4
5. Animating the camera and using Bokeh.mp4
6. Adding more water splash and finishing the last touches.mp4
7. Setting up material and lighting.mp4

Animation scene 2product 1
1. Animation preview.mp4
2. Scene overview.mp4
3. Modeling the bubbles.mp4
4. Animating the bubbles.mp4
5. Creating a shell as collusion body.mp4
6. Animating the force attractor.mp4
7. Animating the vibrator head.mp4
8. Setting up the camera.mp4
9. Lighting and materials.mp4

Animation scene 3product 2
1. Animation preview.mp4
2. Lecture overview.mp4
3. Animating the product.mp4
4. Animating the background.mp4
5. Lighting and materials.mp4

Animation scene 4 product 3
1. Animation preview.mp4
2. Course overview.mp4
3. Modeling the bubbles.mp4
4. Animating the bubbles.mp4
5. Animating the camera.mp4
6. Material and lighting.mp4

Animation scene 5 product 4
1. Animation preview.mp4
2. Scene overview.mp4
3. Animating the cloth 1.mp4
4. Animating the cloth 2.mp4
5. Animating the camera and the product.mp4
6. Animating the background products.mp4
7. Creating water splash.mp4
8. Material and lighting.mp4

Animation scene 6 product 5
1. Animation preview.mp4
2. Scene overview.mp4
3. Animating the product.mp4
4. Creating water drops on object.mp4
5. Animating the water drops.mp4
6. Animating the water wave part 1.mp4
7. Animating the water wave part 2.mp4
8. Create and Animate the background bubbles.mp4
9. Material and lighting.mp4

Animation scene 7  product 6
1. Animation preview.mp4
2. Scene overview.mp4
3. Creating the pattern spheres with cloner.mp4
4. Animating the spheres (bullet tags).mp4
5. Animating rotational force and adjust bullet tag setting.mp4
6. Create water drops on object (cloner with connect) modifier.mp4
7. Material and lighting.mp4

Animation scene 8 multiple scenes same element
1. Animation preview.mp4
2. Animation preview.mp4
3. Part 1 Scene overview.mp4
4. Modeling the object.mp4
5. Animating the object.mp4
6. Creating the water drop and animating it.mp4
7. Creating the volume builder volume mesher and Tracer.mp4
8. Lighting and material.mp4
9. Part 2 scene overview.mp4
10. Creating the first sphere fall.mp4
11. Create multiple copies for same animation.mp4
12. Animating the melting liquid.mp4
13. Material and lighting.mp4
14. 3rd scene part animation.html

Animation scene 9  Create textured surface
1. Animation preview.mp4
2. scene overview.mp4
3. Displacer map.mp4
4. Animating the surface.mp4
5. Material and lighting.mp4

Animation scene 10  products reveal
1. Animation preview.mp4
2. Scene overview.mp4
3. Set the layout.mp4
4. Animating the products and camera.mp4
5. Material and lighting.mp4

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教程格式: MP4 
教程语言: 英文
包含工程: 未含工程 
教程性质: 优质教程
教程作者: Udemy
教程来源: https://www.c4d.cn/c4dtutorial.html
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