C4D制作3D心形可爱卡通角色设计教程 Domestika – Playful Creature Design in Cinema 4D 

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C4D制作3D心形可爱卡通角色设计教程 Domestika – Playful Creature Design in Cinema 4D - C4D之家 - cinema4d_ 2023-04-26 18.54.47.png 《Playful Creature Design in Cinema 4D》是一期由Domestika分享的C4D案例教程,讲解在C4D中制作可爱的心形卡通角色,包括前期设计、建模、颜色搭配等。In this online course, Eva teaches you how to design spectacular 3D creatures from scratch using Cinema 4D. Explore unconventional, but simple digital illustration techniques to create organic, lively forms filled with color and detail. By the end of the course, you will be able to form a whole army of unique and joyful 3D characters.

Unit 1 - Introduction
001 - About Me (1920x1080).mkv
002 - Influences (1920x1080).jpeg
002 - Influences (1920x1080).mkv

Unit 2 - Preparation
003 - Step into 3D - Cinema 4D Basics (1920x1080).mkv
004 - Creating Shapes (1920x1080).mkv
005 - Inspiration and Mood Board (1920x1080).mkv
006 - Creating a Backstory (1920x1080).mkv
007 - Sketching Characters (1920x1080).mkv

Unit 3 - Creating the Character
008 - Creating the Character Shape (1920x1080).mkv
009 - Creating the Face, Arms, and Legs 1 (1920x1080).mkv
010 - Creating the Face, Arms, and Legs 2 (1920x1080).mkv
011 - Playing with Backgrounds (1920x1080).mkv
012 - Adding Lighting (1920x1080).mkv
013 - The Textures (1920x1080).mkv
014 - The Rendering (1920x1080).mkv

Unit 4 - Sharing Your Work
015 - Exporting for Social Media (1920x1080).mkv
016 - Creating a 360 Animation (1920x1080).mkv

Final project
017 - Playful Creature Design in Cinema 4D (1920x1080).mkv

教程格式: MKV 
教程语言: 英文
包含工程: 未含工程 
教程性质: 优质教程
教程作者: Domestika
教程来源: https://www.c4d.cn/c4dtutorial.html
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