211个真实体积云VDB合集云彩蓝天白云Cloudscapes - Hyper Realistic Vdb Clouds Collection 

2023-04-25 18:30 发布 | 作品版权归原作者所有,仅供参考学习,禁止商业使用!

211个真实体积云VDB合集云彩蓝天白云Cloudscapes - Hyper Realistic Vdb Clouds Collection - C4D之家 - cloudscape _blender-02.jpg 211个真实体积云VDB合集云彩蓝天白云Cloudscapes - Hyper Realistic Vdb Clouds Collection - C4D之家 - cloudscapes_blender_Plan de travail 1 copie 3.jpg 211组超真实逼真体积云VDB合集云彩蓝天白云Blender插件 Cloudscapes Hyper Realistic Vdb Clouds CollectionCloudScapes是用于Blender的逼真3D体积云库,采用VDB格式。它包括11类云和211种不同的云,根据真实的云。 与Cycles和Eevee渲染引擎以及Blender的资产浏览器兼容。
211个真实体积云VDB合集云彩蓝天白云Cloudscapes - Hyper Realistic Vdb Clouds Collection - C4D之家 - cloudscapes_blender-14.jpg
211个真实体积云VDB合集云彩蓝天白云Cloudscapes - Hyper Realistic Vdb Clouds Collection - C4D之家 - cloudscapes_blender_cumulonimbus.jpg
支持Blender 3.2或者更高版本,Win/Mac,其他软件不支持
211个真实体积云VDB合集云彩蓝天白云Cloudscapes - Hyper Realistic Vdb Clouds Collection - C4D之家 - cloudscapes_blender_cumulus.jpg
CloudScapes is a photorealistic 3D volumetric clouds library for Blender in VDB format. It includes 11categories of clouds and 211 different clouds according to the real clouds.
Compatible with Cycles and Eevee rendering engines, as well as with Blender's Asset Browser.
211个真实体积云VDB合集云彩蓝天白云Cloudscapes - Hyper Realistic Vdb Clouds Collection - C4D之家 - cloudscapes_blender_stratocumulus.jpg
What is VDB ?
DreamWorks developed a revolutionary technology called VDBs, which allows for the storage of three-dimensional data grids in the CGI industry. These grids can hold a wide range of information, including temperature, density, and velocity, making it possible to create realistic and complex atmospheric effects such as clouds, explosions, and even interstellar nebulae. To help artists take their work to the next level, we propose a variety of professional VDB assets.

Drag and drop
Thanks to Blender's asset browser you can click and drag all your assets into your scene! No Addon, a single place for all your library of materials, textures, assets, hdri: the Asset Browser!
Crazy shader
The shader, very easy to use, allows you to customize your clouds! Create bright clouds for a more beautiful sky, or on the contrary dark clouds! You can also turn them into a fireball!
Animate your clouds
Clouds in CloudScapes are static. (Not animated) but with a few tricks you can bring them to life! Watch this quick tutorial:
29 Biomes for Geo Scatter
Thanks to the addon GeoScatter, you can add one of the 29 cloud ecosystems in your scene! In 1 click add many clouds on different strata for maximum realism. Biomes are built from real clouds.
211个真实体积云VDB合集云彩蓝天白云Cloudscapes - Hyper Realistic Vdb Clouds Collection - C4D之家 - cloudscapes_blender_Miscellaneous.jpg
Cloud scattering need a powerful computer.
Real Clouds
9 large families of clouds and 2 additional categories : one for the "smoke trail" is dragged that leaves the planes behind them and "Miscellaneous" with many original clouds.
211 Clouds ready for Blender, Cycles and Eevee
Incredible realism
We have reproduced the 10 main categories of clouds using specific software for volumetric simulation. the creation of VDB clouds is based on real data and provides a high level of realism. Clouds are physically correct!

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素材尺寸: Size: Unknown
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