C4D卡通三维角色建模教程3D Character Modelling with Cinema 4D for Beginners 

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C4D卡通三维角色建模教程3D Character Modelling with Cinema 4D for Beginners - C4D之家 - cinema4d_ 2022-10-02 17.16.04.png 《3D Character Modelling with Cinema 4D for Beginners》是一期由Domestika录制的C4D制作卡通食品场景动画教程,在本教程中,将讲解使用 Cinema 4D 和 Redshift 渲染器进行 3D 建模的基础知识。介绍C4D基础的建模知识,并展示如何根据现实生活中的参考资料创建有趣的3D角色。教程包含英文字幕,视频格式为.mp4,教程共23个视频,附件中包含练习工程文件。

In this course, he teaches you the fundamentals of 3D modeling using Cinema 4D and Redshift. Join Luke as he introduces you to Cinema 4D, teaches you basic modeling techniques, and shows you how to use them to create playful 3D characters based on real-life references. Bring your imagination to life by learning 3D modeling from scratch.
C4D卡通三维角色建模教程(英文字幕) Domestika – 3D Character Modelling with Cinema 4D for Beginners
01. About Me.mp4
02. Influences.mp4
03. Getting Familiar with the C4D Interface.mp4
04. Primitives and Generators - Introduction to Box Modeling.spa (1).mp4
05. Introduction to Spline Generators and Spline Modeling.mp4
06. Introduction to UV.mp4
07. Introduction to Deformers and MoSpline.mp4
08. Introduction to Mograph.mp4
09. Getting Familiar with Redshift 1.mp4
10. Getting Familiar with Redshift 2.mp4
11. Searching for Inspiration and Sketching 1.mp4
12. Searching for Inspiration and Sketching 2.mp4
13. Modelling the Pot.mp4
14. Modelling the Leaves.mp4
15. Adding Leaves to a Stem with MoSpline.mp4
16. Building the Eyes and Mouth.mp4
17. Building the Limbs and Adding Them to Your Character.mp4
18. Posing and Staging Your Character.mp4
19. Lighting, Texturing and Rendering Your Character 1.mp4
20. Lighting, Texturing and Rendering Your Character 2.mp4
21. Lighting, Texturing and Rendering Your Character 3.mp4
22. Exporting for Social Media.mp4
23. Final project.ts


教程格式: MP4 
教程语言: 英文
包含工程: 包含工程 
教程性质: 优质教程
教程作者: Domestika
教程来源: https://www.c4d.cn/c4dtutorial.html
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