C4D Motion Graphic运动图形三维动画视频教程Udemy – Cinema 4D: How to Model Easily with a Motion Designer 

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C4D Motion Graphic运动图形三维动画视频教程Udemy – Cinema 4D: How to Model Easily with a Motion Designer - C4D之家 - cinema4d_ 2022-08-24 16.48.39.png
Cinema 4D: How to Model Easily with a Motion Designer》是一期C4D基础运动图形课程,教程来自@Udemy,主要讲解C4D在制作Motion Graphic图形学动画方面的知识,比如常用工具的使用、建模技巧、效果器、灯光、材质、渲染输出等。教程共10个篇章约43个视频文件,教程语言为英文。

This course has everything you need to get started with Cinema4D. I will give you all the tools you need to be able to start bringing your ideas to life. I will show you very basic, but powerful modeling techniques. Moreover, we’ll go over the user interface, selection tools, modeling tools, MoGraph, lighting, rendering, materials, animation, and finally how to put everything together in After Effects. It doesn’t matter what your background is in the creative industry, if you are a producer, a creative director, an art director, or someone working with a lot of 3D artists, this course will help you to communicate with them and get the basic structure of an idea of modeling, creating animation, adding lighting, or rigging skills for your design.
C4D Motion Graphic运动图形三维动画视频教程Udemy – Cinema 4D: How to Model Easily with a Motion Designer - C4D之家 - cinema4d_ 2022-08-24 16.49.04.png
1. Chapter 0 Instructor Introduction
1. Instructor Introduction.mp4

2. Chapter 1 Basic Tools
1. Orientation.mp4
2. Interface & Layout Customizing.mp4
3. Viewport & Gestures.mp4
4. Primitive Splines and Deformer.mp4
5. Primitive Object.mp4
6. Spline & Generator Part 1.mp4
7. Generator Part 2.mp4
8. Deformer Part 1.mp4
9. Deformer Part 2.mp4
10. Polygon Modelling Basic (Notes).mp4
11. Polygon Modelling Basic (Selection).mp4
12. Polygon Modelling Basic (Tools).mp4

3. Chapter 2 Modelling
1. Concept Review.mp4
2. Sub Division Modeling.mp4
3. Modeling Methods and their Differences.mp4
4. Box Modeling.mp4
5. Spine Nurbs Modeling.mp4
6. Point of Edge Modeling.mp4
7. Character Modelling - Breakfast Buddies Toast.mp4
8. Character Modelling - Breakfast BuddiesL Toaster.mp4
9. Character Modelling Teddy Bear.mp4

4. Chapter 3 Lighting
1. Basic Lighting.mp4
2. Lighting Setups.mp4

5. Chapter 4 Material
1. Basic Materials.mp4
2. Texturing.mp4
3. Sketch and Toon.mp4

6. Chatper 5 Character Setting
1. Character Rigging.mp4

7. Chapter 6 Animation (Basic)
1. Introduction to Keyframes.mp4
2. Keyframe interpolation Part 1.mp4
3. The Timeline Window - The Dope Sheet.mp4

8. Chapter 7 Animation (Advanced)
1. Introduction to F-Curves.mp4
2. Animation Principles.mp4
3. Follow Along Animation Exercise.mp4
4. Basic Camera Animation Techniques.mp4

9. Chapter 8 Mograph
1. Introduction to MoGraph.mp4
2. MoGraph Cloner and Matrix.mp4
3. MoGraph Text.mp4
4. MoGraph Effectors.mp4
5. MoGraph Demonstration.mp4

10. Chapter 9 Rendering
1. Basic Standard Render Settings.mp4
2. Rendering - Multipass Render.mp4
3. Rendering - After Effects.mp4

教程格式: MP4 
教程语言: 英文
包含工程: 未含工程 
教程性质: 优质教程
教程作者: Udemy
教程来源: https://www.c4d.cn/c4dtutorial.html
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