C4D样条线生成曲面插件 SplinePatch V3.04.0 For Cinema 4D R25-R26
SplinePatch provides users of C4D with a patch-modeling function. It adds to the list of C4D’s nurbs objects and works in a quite similar manner. Drag and drop three or four splines that surround the surface to be created in the SplinePatch object and choose the number of subdivisions. That’s it!
SplinePatch generates surfaces from three or four splines. It is designed as an object generator and works fully parametric.
The MultiPatch welds several Spline Patches to one smooth surface and rounds outer edges with an editable profile.
The new SplineCage object creates and manages all connections between the splines of a cage and generates all desired surfaces with just one mouse click.
Why do you need Spline Patches?
Patch-modeling is a method mainly used for modeling curved surfaces true to dimension and size. When working with car-modeling one will inevitably find this rather easy-to-use, yet powerful technique extremely useful. Nearly all tutorials dealing with car-modeling on the internet treat SplinePatches, with the exception of those designed specifically for Cinema 4D. Until now, this technique was not available for users of this otherwise very powerful 3D-software by Maxon. The Cinema-4D nurbs like “loft”, “lathe” and “sweep” do not offer sufficient alternatives. There is hardly an alternative to patch-modeling besides working directly with points and polygons.
Despite this efficient technique there is enough work left to do. Most of which is connected with making splines which lead along characteristic shaping lines. Therefore, you generally use dimensional drawings, so-called blueprints, of the object to be modelled. By and by a cage of lines, a spline-cage, developes which defines the shape of the object. Between these lines surfaces can be spanned with three or four splines with their intersection points as limitations.
The SplinePatch functions of most available applications require precisely determined intersection points in the space, which are created using supplementary functions for welding the splines. Our plugin is quite tolerant in this respect. Just take note that the splines come rather close at the corner points of the SplinePatch to be created.
SplinePatches with Cinema 4D
SplinePatch provides users of C4D with a patch-modeling function. It adds to the list of C4D’s nurbs objects and works in a quite similar manner. Drag and drop three or four splines that surround the surface to be created in the SplinePatch object and choose the number of subdivisions. That’s it!
When the number of subdivisions is set, many programs proceed with generating a polygon mesh, which you can work on with certain tools. This method does not correspond to the non-modal style of Cinema 4D so we decided to conceive our plugin as an object generator. The benefit is obvious: you can change every parameter anytime, including shape and position of the splines!
Here, the actual patch-modeling would be finished.
SplinePatch offers some more features that might please the patch-modeling fan:
This technique makes it possible to sew or weld several surfaces together in order to get a single smooth shape. Just group the SplinePatches you want to combine under a multi-patch. All patches will then be seamlessly welded together and smoothed, even if they are subdivided in a different way.
Edge profiles
It is possible to provide the edges of a multi patch with various profiles. For example, in combination with HyperNURBS you are able to create the nicely rounded edges that are typical of the seams you can find on the body of a car. You can even set the gap width! If you are working without HyperNURBS it is possible to get rounded edges by setting a bevel value.
The shape of a surface can be changed using either one more spline or a polygon object. But you can do more than just create dents, as the term “deforming” indicates. Moreover, it is possible to bring the surface entirely or partly to a greater or lesser extent into a certain shape. Thus, for example, you can stamp something into the surface or smooth a bulge.
A single object
If you prefer working with a "real" polygon object, for example, if you want to provide a car with door handles, you can generate a clean polygon object by using the Cinema 4D functions "Make Editable" or "Current State to Object" at any time.