28小时电影人物角色完整教程Character in Cinema 4D, Marvelous, Quixel and Arnold 

2022-03-23 09:30 发布 | 作品版权归原作者所有,仅供参考学习,禁止商业使用!

视频教程 /[影视/栏包]
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28小时的电影人物角色建模渲染案例不错教程Gumroad – Project Beyond – Character in Cinema 4D, Marvelous, Quixel and Arnold
28小时电影人物角色完整教程Character in Cinema 4D, Marvelous, Quixel and Arnold - C4D之家 - 6377716512250592681352008.jpg
该教程是电影人物角色制作案例完整教程,涉及C4D、Marvelous, Quixel等软件和Arnold渲染器,教程从头开始到zui*终渲染的所有过程,视频教程没有声音,包含工程文件。





对于纹理,我这次选择使用Quixel 2.0,因为我已经在之前的HulkBuster教程中介绍了Substance Painter。我们将为初学者介绍Quixel 2.0,而不是为我们的硬面件和衣服添加纹理。

6-Arnold Shadind和照明-8小时
Arnold Render C4DtoA是我为这个项目选择的渲染器。因为它对VFX功能非常不错,处理纹理非常好,可以很好地处理SSS、头发等…
这一部分涵盖了所有渲染过程,包括设置lookdev lighting studio、使用Quixel导出贴图创建着色器、创建SSS皮肤着色器、处理头发着色器…。

Duration 28h Project Files Included MP4

Title: Gumroad – Project Beyond – Character in Cinema 4D, Marvelous, Quixel and Arnold


I show all the process from scratch to final render but without any audio comment on all the Tuto.

1 – C4D Custom Tool – 2Hrs

Before to start we will take time to custom C4D from scratch. Upgrade some tools using COFFEE scripts etc in order to be more efficient on our work especially for Hard-surface modeling.

2 – Modeling – 5Hrs

All the modeling is done in Cinema4D. Here we don’t model the character, only all the armors part. I’ll show you my workflow for model Hard Surface stuff in C4D based on my Maya knowledge. We will model 3 pieces (arm, shoulder and visor) using various tools and techniques like knife, boolean, retopo, pen tool…

3 – Marvelous – 5Hrs

The biggest part of this project is the cloth stuff with the suit of the girl. It’s a SF style cloth, which is different than “classic” clothes you can see on other Marvelous Tutorial and I use a specific techniques to make this one.

We will also cover how to conform with animation our clothes to the final character pose.

4 – UVs – 2Hrs

For UVs I choose to unfold than in Maya, because Bodypaint is too old. Don’t be afraid, if you don’t know Maya at all it’s really simple you can use the Maya Free Educational version and use it only for your UVs stuff. I also chose Maya for UVs this time because I already cover UVLayout in the HulkBuster tutorial. This way, as C4D user you could choose your prefer tool!

5 – Quixel Texturing – 3Hrs

For texturing I choose this time to use Quixel 2.0, because I already cover Substance Painter in the previous HulkBuster Tutorial. We will make an introduction to Quixel 2.0 for beginner than texture our hard surface pieces and clothes.

6 – Arnold Shadind and Lighting- 8Hrs

Arnold Render C4DtoA is the renderer I choose for this project. Because it’s so powerful for VFX stuff, handle so well texture, work nice with SSS, hairs etc…

Note that we will use AlShaders and the awesome alHair!

That part cover all the rendering process, included set up a lookdev lighting studio, create shader using Quixel export map, create a SSS Skin shader, deal with Hair shader….

7 – Nuke Compositing – 1Hr

Finally a bit of compositing with Nuke to add final touch to the render. How to compose my .Exr MultiPass, subtle detail like Glow, CC, Denoise Glossy, Grain…

Comment :4

教程格式: MP4 
教程语言: 其它
包含工程: 包含工程 
教程性质: 优质教程
教程作者: Gumroad
教程来源: https://www.c4d.cn/c4dtutorial.html
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