虚幻引擎Cineware for Unreal Engine插件 

2021-12-05 10:22 发布 | 作品版权归原作者所有,仅供参考学习,禁止商业使用!

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虚幻引擎Cineware for Unreal Engine插件 - C4D之家 - cinema4d_-2021-12-05-10.19.04.jpg
虚幻引擎Cineware for Unreal Engine插件现已推出,包括动态导入内容以及在虚幻中修改部分Cinema 4D内容

Maxon,为动态设计师和视觉效果艺术家提供专业软件解决方案的开发商,很高兴地宣布推出Cineware for Unreal插件的更新。这个适用于虚幻引擎4.27的新插件具有实质性的工作流程改进,如动态导入C4D内容而不需要预先缓存,以及能够在虚幻编辑器中直接修改Cinema 4D内容和属性。通过Cineware for Unreal插件,您可以在虚幻引擎中直接调整Cinema 4D文件的特定属性。在面板中或使用蓝图编辑器来调整文本和其他场景设置,只需简单地点击一下就可以将您的改动重新导入到Cinema 4D文件中。

导入Cinema 4D内容: 当您在虚幻引擎中创建游戏、实时图形或其他互动内容时,使用Cinema 4D可以很容易地创建3D模型和动画。现在,直接将C4D文件导入虚幻引擎会比以往任何时候都更容易、更可靠。更新后的Datasmith导入会使用已经安装在您电脑上的Cinema 4D来动态地导入您完整的C4D场景,而不需要生成任何缓存。这使得文件变得很小,并且能够与虚幻进行新的互动工作流程。

在虚幻中更新Cinema 4D的内容:通过Cineware for Unreal插件,您可以在虚幻引擎中直接调整Cinema 4D文件的特定属性。在面板中或使用蓝图编辑器来调整文本和其他场景设置,只需简单地点击一下就可以将您的改动重新导入到Cinema 4D文件中。

使用Cineware从其他应用程序导入文件: C4D文件格式不仅仅是Cinema 4D,Maxon的许多合作伙伴都采用了这种不错的3D文件格式。例如,Datasmith导入的Cinema 4D文件可以与来自Allplan、ArchiCAD和Vectorworks的文件一起使用——为使用虚幻引擎进行建筑演练和可视化提供了一个很好的起点。

适用于Unreal 4.27或更高版本的 Cineware 现已可用,但必须在每个项目的插件列表中启用。
Cineware for Unreal需要安装Cinema 4D S24.111以进行动态导入。不需要激活。

Friedrichsdorf, Germany – December 2, 2021 – Maxon, the developers of professional software solutions for motion designers and visual effects artists, is pleased to announce the immediate availability of an update to the Cineware for Unreal plugin. This new plugin for Unreal Engine 4.27 features substantial workflow improvements like dynamic import of C4D content without pre-caching, and the ability to modify Cinema 4D content and attributes directly within the Unreal Editor.
New Features:

Import Cinema 4D Content: With Cinema 4D it's easy to create 3D models and animations you can use when creating games, real-time graphics or other interactive content in Unreal Engine. It's now easier and more reliable than ever to import C4D files directly into Unreal. An updated Datasmith import uses the Cinema 4D installation already on your computer to dynamically import your complete C4D scene without the need to generate any caches. This keeps files small and enables new interactive workflows with Unreal.
Update Cinema 4D Content from within Unreal: With the Cineware for Unreal plugin you can adjust specific attributes within a Cinema 4D file directly within Unreal Engine. Adjust text and other scene settings within a panel or using the Blueprint editor and a simple click will reimport the Cinema 4D file with your changes applied.
Use Cineware to Import Files from Other Applications: The C4D file format is much bigger than just Cinema 4D - many of Maxon's partners have adopted this robust 3D file format. For instance, Datasmith import of Cinema 4D files can be used with files coming from Allplan, ArchiCAD and Vectorworks - offering a great starting point for architectural walkthroughs and visualizations using Unreal Engine.
Release notes:
Cineware for Unreal 4.27 or later is immediately available but must be enabled in the Plugins list for each project.
Cineware for Unreal requires a Cinema 4D S24.111 installation for dynamic import. Activation not required.

软件性质: 接口 
适用版本: C4D S24
软件版本: Version: unknown
系统平台: Win MAC 
软件语言: 英文 
插件来源: https://www.c4d.cn/c4dsoft.html
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