C4D别墅客厅室内场景Corona Renderer渲染模型 

2021-11-24 09:27 发布 | 作品版权归原作者所有,仅供参考学习,禁止商业使用!

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C4D别墅客厅室内场景Corona Renderer渲染模型 - C4D之家 - Free-scene-cinema4d-corona-01.jpg
这是一个使用C4D FOR CORONA渲染的室内场景,可以使用Cinema 4D+CORONA渲染器进行渲染!此场景包括42种材质、25种纹理、灯光设置、摄影机设置、渲染设置和VFB设置。渲染中看到的完完全全都是从头开始建模的,包括草地和树木。渲染不需要后期制作。

interior scene 01 (Cinema 4D + Corona Renderer)
This is a fully textured interior scene ready to render with CINEMA 4D + CORONA RENDERER! This scene includes 42 materials, 25 textures, light setup, camera settings, render settings and VFB settings. The 完完全全 of what you see in the rendering is modeled from scratch including grass and trees. The render needs no post-production.
C4D File: 163,3 MB; Polygons: 3338059; Materials: 42; Textures: 25 (34 MB).
Cinema 4D R23+ and Corona Renderer 6 is recommended to use this scene.
This file does not have any type of protection. You can reuse the scene, the render settings, the lights, the materials, but above all you can learn from the file, moving inside the project, observing how the light was created and handled, how materials are developed, what is the role that every textures play within them, and the values that fill every single option.
This scene is inspired by Piano House designed by LINE Architects.


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模型分类: 室内 » 客厅
模型格式: C4D 
渲染器: Corona 
模型品质: 精品模型
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