在Cinema 4D中,我们只能调整MoText整体的字符间距,而ManualKerning插件允许你调整MoText任意字符的间距,在某些情况下还是非常实用的。
ManualKerning ReadMe ====================
ManualKerning is free. Use it to your own liking. No resposibilities are taken for anything. If your hamster explodes, while using this plugin, I feel truely sorry for you _and_ your hamster, but I can't be held responsible in any way. Everything else is said in GNU Lesser GPL.
ManualKerning is hosted here (and the source can be found here, too): http://code.google.com/p/manualkerning/
Usage instructions can be found here: http://code.google.com/p/manualkerning/wiki/Usage
Any critique or contribution will be welcome.
Installation: ------------- Besides normal plugin installation (like you're used to with every other plugin), there's another step needed for FreeType.
Windows: Place the correct version of freetype.dll next to your Cinema4D.exe. Sorry for the inconvenience, this step won't be needed anymore in the next version.
Mac: Please assure to have the "lib" subdirectory in the plugin directory. Kuroyume is not yet sure, this will work on every Mac. Please report any problems related to FreeType library.
A note on version 0.0.2: ------------------------ Due to a small negligence on my side, the versions for Windows and Mac contained in this archive differ by version number (Windows 0.0.1, Mac 0.0.2). Otherwise both versions are nearly identical. And I promise to do better in future versions.
One more note for 0.0.2 on Mac: ------------------------------- For Mac the version 0.0.2 is identical for R12+R13. So the full automatic mode is not yet available on Mac, but rather it will behave like the R12 version. We'll fix this as soon as Kuroyume finds some time for the fix.