C4D室内雕塑耳机卡通冰淇淋章鱼案例教程 Lighting Techniques with Cinema 4D 

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视频教程 /[Redshift]
2013 1 0
C4D室内雕塑耳机卡通冰淇淋章鱼案例教程 Lighting Techniques with Cinema 4D - C4D之家 - 未标题-1.jpg

In this course Roberto will teach you a series of practical foundations for using lighting in digital settings for film, advertising and motion graphics . You will learn to value the enormous potential that light represents when expressing the objective to be communicated.

C4D室内雕塑耳机卡通冰淇淋章鱼灯光渲染案例教程 Domestika – Lighting Techniques with Cinema 4D
01 - Presentation - Lighting Techniques with Cinema 4D.mp4
02 - Influences - Lighting Techniques with Cinema 4D.mp4
03 - What will we do in this course - Lighting Techniques with Cinema 4D.mp4
04 - What is digital lighting - Lighting Techniques with Cinema 4D.mp4
05 - Key aspects of lighting - Lighting Techniques with Cinema 4D.mp4
06 - Types of light and roles - Lighting Techniques with Cinema 4D.mp4
07 - Character Scene Preparation - Lighting Techniques with Cinema 4D.mp4
08 - Character Illumination (part 1) - Lighting Techniques with Cinema 4D.mp4
09 - Character Illumination (part 2) - Lighting Techniques with Cinema 4D.mp4
10 - Character lighting (part 3) - Lighting Techniques with Cinema 4D.mp4
11 - Character lighting (part 4) - Lighting Techniques with Cinema 4D.mp4
12 - Brief and references - Lighting Techniques with Cinema 4D.mp4
13 - Product lighting (part 1) - Lighting Techniques with Cinema 4D.mp4
14 - Product lighting (Part 2) - Lighting Techniques with Cinema 4D.mp4
15 - Product lighting (Part 3) - Lighting Techniques with Cinema 4D.mp4
16 - Render passes - Lighting Techniques with Cinema 4D.mp4
17 - Final retouching (compositing or postproduction) - Lighting Techniques with Cinema 4D.mp4
18 - Brief and references - Lighting Techniques with Cinema 4D.mp4
19 - Scene lighting (part 1) - Lighting Techniques with Cinema 4D.mp4
20 - Scene lighting (part 2) - Lighting Techniques with Cinema 4D.mp4
21 - Scene lighting (part 3) - Lighting Techniques with Cinema 4D.mp4
22 - Post rendering effects and final touches - Lighting Techniques with Cinema 4D.mp4
23 - Lighting techniques with Cinema 4D - Lighting Techniques with Cinema 4D.mp4

Resources - Lighting Techniques with Cinema 4D
EscenaPulpin (Tarea1).c4d
PersonajeMeltilao (Tarea2).c4d

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教程格式: MP4 
教程语言: 英文
包含工程: 包含工程 
教程性质: 优质教程
教程作者: Domestika
教程来源: https://www.c4d.cn/c4dtutorial.html
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