C4D ZBRUSH制作生物虫视频教程Create Plankton From Scratch using Zbrush Cinema 4D 

2021-08-26 21:13 发布 | 作品版权归原作者所有,仅供参考学习,禁止商业使用!

视频教程 /[建模/雕刻]
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C4D ZBRUSH制作生物虫视频教程Create Plankton From Scratch using Zbrush Cinema 4D - C4D之家 - 屏幕快照-2021-08-26-下午8.58.07.jpg
本期教程使用Cinema 4D结合ZBRUSH,使用octane渲染和photoshop后期处理来制作一个独眼生物虫模型,在ZBrush中进行模型雕刻,然后再C4D中进行灯光和材质的制作,用到Octane渲染器渲染输出,后期PS进行调节。视频格式为.ts,共有9节教程。
In this class, you’ll gain the essential skillsets to bring one of your favorite Nickelodeon villains to life, from sculpting in Zbrush to lighting and texturing in Cinema4D/Octane. This will also be the first class ever to go over the basics of Zbrush, one of the industry-standard sculpting platforms.
Create Plankton From Scratch using Zbrush & Cinema 4D - Patrick Foley_2.ts
Create Plankton From Scratch using Zbrush & Cinema 4D - Patrick Foley_3.ts
Create Plankton From Scratch using Zbrush & Cinema 4D - Patrick Foley_4.ts
Create Plankton From Scratch using Zbrush & Cinema 4D - Patrick Foley_5.ts
Create Plankton From Scratch using Zbrush & Cinema 4D - Patrick Foley_6.ts
Create Plankton From Scratch using Zbrush & Cinema 4D - Patrick Foley_7.ts
Create Plankton From Scratch using Zbrush & Cinema 4D - Patrick Foley_8.ts
Create Plankton From Scratch using Zbrush & Cinema 4D - Patrick Foley_9.ts
Create Plankton From Scratch using Zbrush & Cinema 4D - Patrick Foley.ts


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教程格式: 其它 
教程语言: 英文
包含工程: 未含工程 
教程性质: 优质教程
教程作者: Skillshare
教程来源: https://www.c4d.cn/c4dtutorial.html
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