C4D阿诺德渲染器 SolidAngle C4DtoA 3.3.6 R24 MAC AMPED+替换解锁版
Solid Angle Cinema 4D To Arnold 3.3.6(C4DtoA)阿诺德渲染器是一款不错的蒙特卡洛光线追踪渲染器,专为长篇动画和视觉效果的要求而编写,C4DtoA 3.3.6使用 Arnold 并修复与 IPR 窗口相关的关键问题。新版本增加了对Cinema 4D S24的支持。同时取消了对Cinema 4D R20的支持。插件可作为Cinema 4d,Maya, Softimage, Houdini 和 Katana插件。此版本引入了新的Arnold Scatter对象,程序的视口代理设置,并在Tx纹理工作流程中进行了一些更改。zui*初与索尼影业联合Imageworks开发,现在是他们的主要渲染器,阿诺德用于全世界超过300个工作室,包括ILM,Framestore, MPC, The Mill和Digic Pictures。
Arnold for Cinema 4D (or C4DtoA) provides a bridge to the Arnold renderer from within the standard Cinema 4D interface.Arnold is an advanced Monte Carlo ray tracing renderer built for the demands of feature-length animation and visual effects. Originally co-developed with Sony Pictures Imageworks and now their main renderer, Arnold is used at over 300 studios worldwide including ILM, Framestore, MPC, The Mill and Digic Pictures. Arnold was the primary renderer on dozens of films from Monster House and Cloudy with a Chance of Meatballs to Pacific Rim and Gravity. It is available as a standalone renderer on Linux, Windows and Mac OS X, and is accessible through plug-ins for Maya, Softimage, Houdini and Katana.
C4DtoA 使用 Arnold 并修复与 IPR 窗口相关的关键问题。
c4dtoa#2388 S24 中的 IPR 亮度问题
c4dtoa#2389 启动时 IPR 偶尔崩溃
2.打开替换文件夹,拷贝替换libai.dylib到应用程序\MAXON\CINEMA 4D R21\arnold\bin
3.如果你安装过之前的版本,先确保MAXON\Cinema 4D R20里面没有ai.dll这个文件,有的话删除
xcode-select --install
sudo codesign -f -s -
C4D R20的插件,在顶部菜单,插件-C4DtoA
C4D R21/R22/R23的插件,在顶部菜单,扩展-C4DtoA
1. Install
2. Start the RLM executable to float the solidangle.lic
If you already have a RLM server up and running just copy the .lic and .set file to your RLM directory
and reread/restart your server.
Note: You have 2 options to let the Arnold plugin know where your RLM server is running:
a) Create an environment variable: solidangle_LICENSE=5053@localhost (change port and server if necessary)
b) Use the provided "solidangle_client.lic" file. Search in your plugin installation folder for ai.dll on Windows libai.so on Linux, and libai.dylib on OSX and copy the "solidangle_client.lic" file there (change port and server if necessary)
If you need more help on setting up the RLM stuff check out:
- https://support.solidangle.com/d ... up+a+License+Server
- https://support.solidangle.com/d ... +up+Client+Machines
C4D阿诺德渲染器 SolidAngle C4DtoA 3.3.6 R21/R22/R23/R24 Win AMPED+替换解锁版