670组C4D Redshift渲染器材质预设金属钢铁布料木纹混凝土砖块670 Redshift Shaders Cinema 4D
包含砖块,混凝土,日常,食物,织物布料,皮革,大理石,金属,混合材料,天然粘土,自然,油漆,石头,合成材料,半透明,木材等风格,共670+C4D Redshift渲染器用的材质预设,lib4d格式使用很方便,2K或者4K或者6K无缝衔接,只支持Redshift渲染器,默认或者其他渲染器无法使用
版 本:C4D R19或者更高版本,支持中文版/英文版C4D
插 件:Redshift 2.6.48或者更高版本
格 式:.lib4d
大 小:3.48GB
Gumroad – 670 Redshift Shaders Cinema 4D by SerSal
670 Shaders Designed for high Quality-Speed render.
Drag and drop, direct from the Cinema 4D library browser.
Only 4 Gigs Space.
Reference Pics-In-Browser to simple viewer the materials.
3 Reference scenes to test new shaders.
Redshift 2.5.48 and above.
Cinema 4D R19 and above.
Edit the shaders as you like, Simply-Replace-Textures.
2k, 4k, 6k, seamless textures.
"drag and drop" the File into the library browser Folder in Cinema 4D.
Contains all the necessary materials inside.
Shaders/Materials categories:
Bricks, Concrete, Edibles, Every-Day, Fabrics, Flags, Landscape, Leathers, Marbles, Medics, Metals, Mixed Materials, Natural Clay, Naturals, Paints, Stones, Synthetics, Translucent, Wood.
C4D .lib4d预设安装方法:
R20--C:\Program Files\MAXON\Cinema 4D R20\library\browser
R21/S22/R23--C:\Program Files\Maxon Cinema 4D R21\library\browser
如果C4D安装在其它盘符,选择C4D图标-右键-打开文件所在位置-找到C4D目录-CINEMA 4D RXX\library\browser
苹果机:Mac:/applications//MAXON/CINEMA 4D R19/library/browser
2.打开C4D-窗口-内容浏览器-【快捷键 SHIFT+F8】,就可以找到
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