C4D三维标题文字动画教程 Lynda – Typography for Motion Designers in Cinema 4D 

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C4D三维标题文字动画教程 Lynda – Typography for Motion Designers in Cinema 4D C4D三维标题文字动画教程 Lynda – Typography for Motion Designers in Cinema 4D - C4D之家 - 未标题-1.jpg

排版是设计的重要方面。通过Cinema 4D中的MoText工具,您可以使用直观的GUI设置美观的字体,并使用MoGraph系统中所有可用的工具对其进行动画处理。在这期C4D教程中,讲师Andy Needham将介绍字距调整,跟踪,字体使用以及如何对多行文本进行动画处理。Andy首先向您展示了可用于在Cinema 4D中创建文字的工具。他着重介绍了MoText,因为它与MoGraph系统配合使用,使您可以轻松地为字体设置动画。安迪(Andy)逐步完成设置类型和添加诸如斜角和材质之类的细节的过程。他总结了制作文本动画所需的所有步骤和工具。

In this course, instructor Andy Needham covers kerning, tracking, use of fonts, and how to animate multi-line text. Andy begins by showing you the tools you can use to create type in Cinema 4D. He highlights MoText, because it works with the MoGraph system to enable you to animate your type easily. Andy steps through the process of setting type and adding details like bevels and materials. He concludes with all the steps and tools you need to animate your text.


001 Typography for motion designers in Cinema 4D.mp4
002 What you should know.mp4
003 Text objects in Cinema 4D.mp4
004 Why use MoText_.mp4
005 Basic overview of the MoText object.mp4
006 Working with the 3D GUI.mp4
007 Caps and bevels.mp4
008 Texturing with selections.mp4
009 Animate properties.mp4
010 Animate with effectors.mp4
011 Additional animation techniques.mp4
012 Next steps.mp4


教程格式: MP4 
教程语言: 英文
包含工程: 包含工程 
教程性质: 普通教程
教程作者: Lynda
教程来源: https://www.c4d.cn/c4dtutorial.html
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