C4D一根长黑斑的香蕉水果模型 Banana 

2021-02-14 14:44 发布 | 作品版权归原作者所有,仅供参考学习,禁止商业使用!

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C4D一根长黑斑的香蕉水果模型 Banana - C4D之家 - 66.jpg
香蕉(学名:Musa nana Lour.)芭蕉科芭蕉属植物,又指其果实,热带地区广泛种植。香蕉味香、富含营养,植株为大型草本。原产亚洲东南部,台湾、海南、广东、广西等均有栽培。香蕉果期是全年。含矿物质钾元素丰富的香蕉是食物中排名第*的“美腿高手”,它所含的丰
富的钾元素能帮助你伸展腿部肌肉和预防腿抽筋,使你的腿得到缓解。同时,香蕉味甘性寒,具有较高的药用价值。早餐午餐和晚餐分别吃一根香蕉,能够为人体提供丰富的钾,从而使得大脑血凝块几率降低约21%。主要功用是清肠胃,治便秘,并有清热润肺、止烦渴、填精髓、解酒毒等功效。由于香蕉性寒,故脾胃虚寒、胃痛、腹泻者应少食,胃酸过多者尽量少食用。Banana (scientific name: Musa nana Lour.) Musa family Musa is a plant of the genus Musa, also refers to its fruit, and is widely grown in tropical regions. Bananas are fragrant and nutritious, and the plants are large herbs. It is native to Southeast Asia and is cultivated in Taiwan, Hainan, Guangdong, and Guangxi. The banana fruit period is the whole year. Banana, which is rich in minerals and potassium, is the number one "beautiful leg" in the food. It contains abundance
Rich potassium can help you stretch leg muscles and prevent leg cramps, so that your legs can be relieved. At the same time, bananas are sweet and cold in nature and have high medicinal value. Eating a banana for breakfast, lunch and dinner, can provide the human body with rich potassium, which reduces the chance of blood clots in the brain by about 21%. The main function is to clear the intestines and stomach, treat constipation, and have the effects of clearing heat and moisturizing the lungs, quenching polydipsia, filling the essence, and detoxifying alcohol. Due to the cold nature of bananas, people with deficiency of the spleen and stomach, stomach pain, and diarrhea should eat less, and those with hyperacidity should eat less.
该模型格式包含.max .C4d .fbx三种格式,c4d模型使用c4d r18保存,可用于c4d r11-r23任何软件打开使用。模型包含贴图素材。模型中没有包含灯光及环境。
模型分类: 水果蔬菜
模型格式: C4D MAX FBX 
渲染器: C4D标准/物理 
模型品质: 精品模型
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