C4D教程-运动跟踪三维摄像机反求全面掌握教程(含英文字幕)Master Motion Tracking with Cinema 4D
这期C4D教程教大家熟悉Cinema 4D软件中的3D跟踪器。包括学习什么是3D追踪,Matchmoving,对象跟踪,平面跟踪,对象辅助跟踪,了解镜头失真工作流程,从镜头中提取点云重新创建3D场景等知识点.Matchmoving是进入特殊效果(VFX)世界的大门,您可以在其中将3D对象集成到实景拍摄中。
This C4d tutorial teaches you to be familiar with the 3D tracker in Cinema 4D software. Including learning what is 3D tracking, matchmoving, object tracking, plane tracking, object aided tracking, understanding the workflow of lens distortion, extracting point cloud from lens, re creating 3D scene and other knowledge points. Matchmoving is the door to the world of special effects (VFX), where you can integrate 3D objects into real shooting.
In this training, you will learn:
What is 3D tracking, completely matchmoving? In the first chapter, you'll learn how to make a good track, how to shoot your own videos, and how to avoid the most common mistakes.
How to use automatic tracker
Calibrate the scene to make it proportional and directional, making it easy to place objects.
Drill down to the tracker interface
How to deal with tracking view, how to classify, filter and optimize functions to get a better solution
How to do manual tracking, here to determine the function to follow
Understanding the lens distortion workflow will prevent the tracker from solving the shooting problem
Object tracking: how to replace your own 3D objects with your scene
3D reconstruction allows you to extract point clouds from the lens, enabling you to completely recreate the scene in 3D.
How to track a shot taken on a standing tripod
Plane tracking, extracting planes from the scene to apply corner nail deformation
Object assisted tracking: this feature allows you to use fewer features by using scene oriented 3D objects.
2. What is motion tracking .mp4
3. How tracking works.mp4
4. The lens distortion workflow.mp4
5. How to use Tracking Markers.mp4
6. The do's and don'ts of tracking.mp4
7. Conclusion.mp4
1. Full automatic solve.mp4
2. Calibrating the scene and placing objects.mp4
3. The interface and the tracking tools.mp4
4. Import and display footage, navigating the shot.mp4
5. Automatic and semi-automatic tracking.mp4
6. How many automatic features do you need .mp4
7. Filtering the tracks.mp4
8. The Motion Tracker Track View.mp4
9. The Motion Tracker Graph View.mp4
10. Sorting and filtering the tracks by eye.mp4
11. Solving the track, calibrating the scene, adding objects.mp4
三. Tracking more difficult shots
1. Tracking a shot by choosing when to use automatic tracks.mp4
2. Adding manual features on tracker markers.mp4
3. Sorting and filtering the tracks.mp4
4. Solving the shot, calibrating, adding objects to test.mp4
1. What's a survey shot .mp4
2. Tracking the shot, filtering, refining the track.mp4
3. Solving the shot, calibrating, adding objects to test.mp4
4. Tracking the object.mp4
5. Working with difficult features, tracking by hand.mp4
6. Solving the object, replacing the prop with a 3D object.mp4
五. The Lens Distortion Workflow
1. How to create a lens profile.mp4
2. Solving the shot, calibrating the scene.mp4
3. Using the lens profile to reapply the distortion to the rendered shot.mp4
六. Nodal pan, or How to Track a Tripod Shot
1. What's a pan shot Using the masks to exclude foliage from the scene.mp4
2. Automatic tracking of the shot.mp4
3. Adding a few manual features.mp4
4. How to calibrate a pan shot.mp4
5. The other track constraints.mp4
七. Planar tracking and object assisted tracking
1. Adding manual features on the shot and tracking.mp4
2. Solving the shot.mp4
3. Applying a texture to the 3D object.mp4
4. Compositing the shot in After Effects.mp4
5. Object assisted tracking.mp4
1. Tracking the shot, 3D solving and calibration.mp4
2. Creating a point cloud with the 3D reconstruction, creating a mesh.mp4
3. Placing 3D geometry within the reconstructed scene.mp4
4. Going further with the 3D reconstruction.mp4
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