C4D Mograph着色器介绍视频教程(包含练习工程文件) Demystifying C4D Mograph Shade 

2021-01-02 23:25 发布 | 作品版权归原作者所有,仅供参考学习,禁止商业使用!

视频教程 /[进阶教程]
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C4D Mograph着色器介绍视频教程(包含练习工程文件) Demystifying C4D Mograph Shade - C4D之家 - 33.jpg
来自helloluxx.com的Tim Clapham带领您完成一系列三个教程,以帮助神秘化Maxon Cinema 4D Mograph着色器。在第*个示例中,Tim向您展示了Mograph Color Shader的基本原理,展示了如何将其与常规的非Mograph对象一起使用。然后,他在此基础上进行扩展,以探索此着色器的灵活性,以及​​如何在材质的任何通道中使用它,以zui*小的努力在渲染中创建变化,同时维持zui*佳的工作流程。
来自helloluxx.com的Tim Clapham带领您完成一系列三个教程,以帮助神秘化Maxon Cinema 4D Mograph着色器。
在第二个示例中,Tim通过演示如何使用它来控制场景中的灯光和材质的颜色,扩展了有关使用Mograph Color Shader的第*个教程。
来自helloluxx.com的Tim Clapham带领您完成一系列三个教程,以帮助神秘化Maxon Cinema 4D Mograph着色器。
在本系列的第三部分也是zui*后一部分中,Tim与Mograph Multishader一起演示了如何构建完整的扑克牌,每张纸牌都是唯*的,并且仅使用一种材料就不会重复。随后,Tim向您展示了如何隔离特定的牌并使其成为黑桃A(当然!),从而使该方法更进一步。
Tim Clapham from helloluxx.com takes you through a series of three tutorials to help demystify the Maxon Cinema 4D Mograph shaders.
In this first example, Tim shows you the basic principles behind the Mograph Color Shader, demonstrating how you can use this with regular non-mograph objects. He then expands upon this to explore the flexibility of this shader and how you can use it in any channel of your material to create variation in your renders with minimal effort whilst maintining an optimal workflow.
Tim Clapham from helloluxx.com takes you through a series of three tutorials to help demystify the Maxon Cinema 4D Mograph shaders.
In this second example, Tim expands upon the first tutorial about working with the Mograph Color Shader by demonstrating how you can use this to control the colour of lights in your scene, as well as materials.
Tim Clapham from helloluxx.com takes you through a series of three tutorials to help demystify the Maxon Cinema 4D Mograph shaders.
In this third and final part of the series, Tim works with the Mograph Multishader to demonstrate how you can build a complete deck of playing cards, with each card unique and no duplicates using only one material. This method is then taken even further as Tim shows you how to isolate a specific card and make this the Ace of Spades (of course!).

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教程格式: MP4 
教程语言: 英文
包含工程: 未含工程 
教程性质: 普通教程
教程作者: cinema4d
教程来源: https://www.c4d.cn/c4dtutorial.html
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