海龟绑定动画C4D模型 Sea turtle 

2020-12-20 23:37 发布 | 作品版权归原作者所有,仅供参考学习,禁止商业使用!

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海龟绑定动画C4D模型 Sea turtle
海龟绑定动画C4D模型 Sea turtle - C4D之家 - gui.jpg
海龟模型格式为.C4D,含动画绑定,含贴图材质。附件中只含海龟模型,背景为图片。海龟学名Chelonia mydas,是海龟科、海龟属动物。头背具对称大鳞,前额鳞一对。上颌平出,下颌略向上钩曲,颚缘有锯齿状缺刻。吻部短圆,上颚前端不成钩曲。背甲呈心形,盾片镶嵌排列;椎盾5枚;肋盾4对,第*对肋盾不与颈盾相接,缘盾每侧11片;喉盾前有单枚问喉盾;背腹甲间有一系列下缘盾。四肢桨状,前肢长于后肢,每肢内侧各具1爪。背甲橄榄色或棕色,杂有黄白色放射纹;背甲橄榄色或棕褐色,杂以浅色斑纹;雄陛尾长,达体长的二分之一,前肢的爪不错而弯曲成钩状。
Turtles (scientific name: Chelonia mydas) are animals of the family Turtle family and the genus Turtles. The back of the head has large symmetrical scales and a pair of forehead scales. The upper jaw is flattened out, the lower jaw is slightly hooked upward, and there is a jagged notch on the jaw margin. The snout is short and round, and the tip of the upper jaw is not hooked. The carapace is heart-shaped, with scutellum inlaid; 5 vertebral shields; 4 pairs of rib shields, the first pair of rib shields does not connect with the cervical shield, and the marginal shield has 11 on each side; there is a single throat shield in front of the throat shield; There are a series of lower edge shields between the carapace and abdomen. The limbs are paddle-shaped, the forelimbs are longer than the hind limbs, and each limb has 1 claw on the inside. The carapace is olive or brown, mixed with yellow-white radiating patterns; the carapace is olive or brown, mixed with light markings; the male tail is long, up to one-half of the body length, and the forelimbs are strong and bent into hooks. .

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模型分类: 动物生物 » 水生动物
模型格式: C4D 
渲染器: C4D标准/物理 
模型品质: 精品模型
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