C4D Oc渲染器汽车车漆材质预设orbx格式Gumroad Automotive Paint Shaders 2020 Octane 

2020-10-07 22:18 发布 | 作品版权归原作者所有,仅供参考学习,禁止商业使用!

C4D材质 /[汽车油漆]
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C4D Oc渲染器汽车车漆材质预设orbx格式Gumroad Automotive Paint Shaders 2020 Octane - C4D之家 - 55.jpg
作者是一个汽车渲染爱好者,所以喜欢把研究重点放在真正的汽车车漆上,尽可能地重现它们,使汽车看起来更真实。包含127组 octane渲染器OC汽车油漆,卡钳,轮胎材质预设等,31个Wrap Covering(主要是缎光包装),3个C4D场景文件,2个背板场景,1个Blackstudio Lights场景,大小:820 MB,格式:orbx,c4d,jpg。汽车遮阳帘的zui*大组成部分是油漆中的金属光泽以及油漆在角度和曲线上的褪色方式。

复制Automotive_Car_Paint_2020_AG文件夹夹到 : C:\Users\AppData\Roaming\OctaneRender\localDb

56 Car Brands Paints
71 Personnal Paints
3 C4D Scene files
C4D Oc渲染器汽车车漆材质预设orbx格式Gumroad Automotive Paint Shaders 2020 Octane - C4D之家 - 44.jpg

What was the idea of this project ?

As I'm in love with car renders, I plan to do some car render projects.
To speed up my workflow, it was interesting for me to get a big car shader library, to simply plug and play with textures !

Why simply use existing free materials ?

Because existing free shaders (in my knowledge), are not as realistic as i would like.
So I focused my studies on real car paint, to recreate them as much as I can to make my cars looks real. The biggest part of a car shade is the metallic sparkles in the paint and the way the paint fade on angles and curves.

Is it a magical product ?

Of course not, but it can help and save a lot of time.
It's not magical because in automotive project, the light is a huge part of the project (maybe 70%), so your realistic shaders without a good lighting won't be magical, keep it in mind !
But maybe you'll be able to get a nice render without a perfect lighting system with it !

You love car render and want to speed up your workflow ?
Grab your pack now !

Included in the pack :

(you can google these name to get preview)

- Audi :
Daytona Grey, Galaxy Blue, Ibis White, Kemora Grey, Kyalami Green, Mocha Latte, Mythos Black, Nardo Grey, Navarra Blue, Pulse Orange, Sonoma Green, Tango Red, Terra Grey, Turbo Blue, Vegas Yellow

- BMW :

Austin Yellow, Jacaro Beige, Lime Rock Grey, Lime Rock, Long Beach Blue, Manhattan Green, San Marino Blue, Snapper Rock Blue, Sunset Orange, Urban Green, Yas Marina Blue

- Aston Martin :

Buckinghamshire, Lime Essence, Arden Green, Divine Red, Minotaur Green, Pearl Blonde

- Volkswagen :
Bay Leaf Green, Copper Bronze, Curcuma Yellow, Lapiz Blue

- Porsche :

Amethyst, Anthracite Brown, Carmine Red, Gentian Blue, Lezard Green, Miami Blue, Orange Fusion, Sapphire Blue, Silver GT

- Mercedes :
Aragonite Silver, Brilliant Blue Magno, Cavansite Blue, Emerald Green, Graphite Grey Magno, Green Hell Magno, Iridium Silver Magno, Rubelite Red, Selenite Grey Magno, Solarbeam Yellow, Yellow Sun
C4D Oc渲染器汽车车漆材质预设orbx格式Gumroad Automotive Paint Shaders 2020 Octane - C4D之家 - 66.jpg
- 40 Metallic Paints

- 31 Wrap Covering (Mostly Satin wraps)

- 2 Backplates scenes

- 1 Blackstudio Lights scene

You may ask "Why there is not a Orange for each brand, why only a single black shader ?"
Because I noticed some colors were similar from a brand to another, so it was not interesting to do them twice for nothing, I prefered to recreate colors that are not to much similar !

Comment :8


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