霓虹灯管文字图形C4D模型预设 Neon Redshift v2.80 For Cinema 4D R17-S22 + 使用教程 

2020-08-17 10:00 发布 | 作品版权归原作者所有,仅供参考学习,禁止商业使用!

C4D预设 /[模型预设]
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霓虹灯管文字图形C4D模型预设 Neon Redshift v2.80 For Cinema 4D R17-S22 + 使用教程
霓虹灯管文字图形C4D模型预设 Neon Redshift v2.80 For Cinema 4D R17-S22 + 使用教程 - C4D之家 - Screen-Shot-2020-05-26-at-2.08.37-PM.jpg
Neon Redshift是C4D中一个制作霓虹灯效果的插件,要求Redshift渲染器,默认渲染器用不了,可以自定义霓虹灯的外形、烘焙、颜色、控制器等

Neon Redshift is a Cinema 4D plugin that allows you to create neon lights and tubing from your splines with REDSHIFT RENDER. Instantly. This is NOT A KIT. It’s totally parametric and will work with any open spline. Neon Redshift’s features include:

Designed for use with REDSHIFT so it’s super fast!
Now with Baking!
Dirty Glass and Dirty Gas options!
Very easy to use.
NEW 50 point open spline limit.
Apply color to each neon tube individually.
Show/Hide Controls. Only see the controls you need. No clutter.
Clips and Insulators.


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