C4D动画扩展工具 animTools for C4D 

2019-09-09 07:00 发布 | 作品版权归原作者所有,仅供参考学习,禁止商业使用!

插件脚本 /[动画/绑定]
2131 0 0
C4D动画扩展工具 animTools for C4D C4D动画扩展工具 animTools for C4D - C4D之家 - 4e10f448189977.59372637a9e92.jpg
animTools for Cinema4D:
animTools is a plugin for Cinema4D. It was created to extend the programs capabilities for character animation and support your day-by-day workflow in many ways. The plugin has been created for our own use, but we are very happy to share this little helper with you so you can create your animated characters a little easier.
Please Note: Once you downloaded the plugin, you will be notified of new versions as well as be able to download them free of any extra charge.
Currently, the plugin is in beta and there will be bugs. I advise you to use it carefully, use autosave or save your work often ( This is a good idea anyway I guess.. ).
I would be very happy if you report any bugs and feature requests so I can fix them as well as extend the plugin.
Lastly, this product is distributed on a pay-what-you-want basis. Just type 0 in the field below and you will get it for free. If you want to support our work on this plugin, feel free to type any amount you are comfortable with.
You can find out more here: https://tetsuoanimation.com/animtools-doc


软件性质: 插件 
适用版本: C4D R15 - C4D R16 - C4D R17 - C4D R18 - C4D R19 - C4D R20
软件版本: Version: unknown
系统平台: Win 
软件语言: 英文 
插件来源: http://soft.c4d.cn


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