10个迎春花 连翘3D模型 VIZPARK – Forsythia Bushes: Set of 10 3D-Shrubs 

2019-07-16 09:00 发布 | 作品版权归原作者所有,仅供参考学习,禁止商业使用!

3D模型 /[3D模型合辑]
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10个迎春花 连翘3D模型 VIZPARK – Forsythia Bushes: Set of 10 3D-Shrubs 10个迎春花 连翘3D模型 VIZPARK – Forsythia Bushes: Set of 10 3D-Shrubs - C4D之家 - VP-Forsythia-beauty-closeup-1.jpg

Forsythia Bushes is a set of 10 shrubs from the upcoming Real Shrubs bundle. The 10 model variations include different sizes and combinations of flowers and leaves and they can be further randomized and animated with the GrowFX plugin (available separately). Formats include 3DS MAX, FBX and OBJ, plus support for the renderers vray, corona renderer, octane render, scanline and FStorm (all 3DS MAX). The plant models are based on a GrowFX procedural model and include 10 model variations in two seasons, blossoming (early spring) and green leaves (summer). The textures include several variations for the leaves and petals, scanned from real world plants. All models are prepared as scenes for each renderer in 3Ds Max 2012 and above.
All of the shrubs in the GrowFX version are prepared with wind FX. You can easily animate each shrub with wind, change the wind strength, turbulence and more from subtle to stormy. This feature requires the GrowFX plugin for 3ds Max from Exlevel. More information can be found on the Exlevel website.


模型分类: 植物树木 » 花卉草
模型格式: MAX FBX OBJ 
渲染器: MAX for Vray 
模型品质: 普通模型
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