C4D视频跟踪合成教程 Skillshare – Cinema 4D : Motion Tracking and Compositing 

2018-10-15 13:00 发布 | 作品版权归原作者所有,仅供参考学习,禁止商业使用!

视频教程 /[动画/绑定]
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C4D视频跟踪合成教程 Skillshare – Cinema 4D : Motion Tracking and Compositing
C4D视频跟踪合成教程 Skillshare – Cinema 4D : Motion Tracking and Compositing - C4D之家 - db576580.jpg
Motion Tracking and Compositing is one of those important tasks and processes of creating Visual FX into a Movie or any footage.
There are lots of software that allows us to track and solve camera and import data from these software to a composting or 3d software like Cinema 4d or After Effect but the process of doing is a little bit time consuming in some low budget projects. In this case, Maxon company has integrated Motion Tracking features into latest versions of Cinema 4D that allows us to Track and Solve camera directly into Cinema 4d without investing on other Tracking Softwares.
In this class we will use Motion Tracking feature of Cinema 4d to track and solve camera of a scene and we will add a 3d Text into our scene and we will lighten up our scene by HDRI Lighting technique for realistic render and as a final touch, we will do some compositing on After Effect as well .
教程时长约40分钟,共3个视频 3 Videos (40m)

  • Introduction 0:48
  • Motion Tracking 1 11:16
  • Motion Tracking Overview 28:08


教程格式: MP4 
教程语言: 英文
教程性质: 普通教程
教程作者: Skillshare
教程来源: www.c4d.cn
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