C4D Octane渲染器全面介绍教程 

2018-08-23 09:00 发布 | 作品版权归原作者所有,仅供参考学习,禁止商业使用!

视频教程 /[Octane Render]
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C4D octane渲染器全面介绍教程
C4D Octane渲染器全面介绍教程 - C4D之家 - 32409274271_43a7364a76_b.jpg OctaneRender是Cinema 4D的流行第三方渲染引擎,它可以在更短的时间内渲染图像,比标准的CPU渲染器更快。在这门课程中,作者从快速入门指南开始,旨在让您在30分钟或更短时间内使用OctaneRender进行渲染。然后,Andy探索Live Viewer - 引擎的核心,该引擎为您的项目提供即时视觉反馈 - 以及Octane布局。然后深入研究材质,包括Octane 3.08中引入的混合和金属材质; Octane照明系统;以及如何实现景深和运动模糊等效果的薄型镜头相机。 Andy还讲解了Octane Scatter,雾气等体积效应,以及新的Toon卡通材质和灯光。他演示了如何优化OctaneRender渲染设置并使用多通道工作流程,使您能够在场景中获得实用的灵活性和控制力。

OctaneRender is a popular third-party render engine for Cinema 4D. It renders images in a much shorter time than a standard CPU renderer. In this course, mograph artist Andy Needham introduces members to this critical tool for 3D modeling and design. It begins with a quick-start guide, designed to get you up and running with Octane in 30 minutes or less. Andy then explores the Live Viewer—the heart of the engine, which provides instant visual feedback on your project—and C4D layouts for Octane. Then dive deep into materials, including the blend and metallic materials introduced in Octane 3.08; the Octane lighting system; and the thin-lens camera, which enables effects such as depth of field and motion blur. Andy also reviews Octane Scatter, volumetric effects like fog, and the new Toon materials and lights. He shows how to optimize your render settings and use a multi-pass workflow to enable you to get the most flexibility and control over your scene. The course wraps up with a challenge that will allow you to practice your newfound skills.

001 Welcome to Octane.flv
002 Exercise files.flv
003 Before we begin....flv
004 What is OctaneRender for C4D_.flv
005 Why use OctaneRender_.flv
006 Setting requirements to use Octane.flv
007 What we'll create.flv
008 Frame the shot with a camera.flv
009 Add materials.flv
010 Add lights and an environment.flv
011 Render settings and output.flv
012 Tour of the Live Viewer interface.flv
013 What else can the Live Viewer do_.flv
014 Useful Live Viewer information.flv
015 Create a C4D layout for Octane.flv
016 How are Octane materials different from C4D materials_.flv
017 Create Octane materials.flv
018 Understanding the Octane node editor.flv
019 Work with the Octane node editor.flv
020 Work with material projections.flv
021 Mix and blend materials.flv
022 Metallic materials.flv
023 Create a material that displaces geometry.flv
024 Create a subsurface scattering material.flv
025 Download materials using the Live DB.flv
026 Manage textures.flv
027 How are Octane lights different from C4D lights_.flv
028 Light a scene with Octane lights.flv
029 Mesh lights and sample rates.flv
030 Work with daylight and environments.flv
031 How are Octane cameras different from C4D cameras_.flv
032 Depth of field.flv
033 Motion blur.flv
034 Camera post effects.flv
035 Octane object tag.flv
036 Hair and particles.flv
037 Octane scatter.flv
038 Volumetric light effects and fog.flv
039 Toon materials and lights.flv
040 Common render settings.flv
041 Understand priority settings.flv
042 Optimize scenes and render settings.flv
043 Create render settings presets.flv
044 Octane multipass workflow.flv
045 Rendering animation.flv
046 Challenge overview.flv
047 Solution.flv
048 Next steps.flv


教程格式: MP4 
教程语言: 其它
教程性质: 普通教程
教程作者: cinema4d
教程来源: www.c4d.cn
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