C4D/3DS MAX/LW仿CAD建筑建模插件 WTools3D LWCAD v2018.1 Win/Mac和谐版 

2018-08-02 08:00 发布 | 作品版权归原作者所有,仅供参考学习,禁止商业使用!

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C4D/3DS MAX/LW仿CAD建筑建模插件 WTools3D LWCAD v2018.1 Win/Mac和谐版 C4D/3DS MAX/LW仿CAD建筑建模插件 WTools3D LWCAD v2018.1 Win/Mac和谐版 - C4D之家 - 2_4f1dbd9567e69.jpg

LWCAD可以根据CAD工具的方式在C4D/3DS MAX/Lightwave中完成建模,特别是建筑方便更加方便
LWCAD is a top set of add-on modeling plugins for LightWave 3D. Core of this package contains a complete set of standard CAD tools with the most advanced osnap engine. It equips your favorite modeling program with the countless features normally available only in expensive CAD applications. Latest versions contains some revolutionary features as a real-time curve booleans or real-time polygons drilling which are absolutely unique in the industry. Also new set of archiviz tools which is specially designed for creating architecture. It allows user to create a complex building in a few minutes. Those new features will push you into another modeling dimension


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软件性质: 插件 
适用版本: C4D R15 - C4D R16 - C4D R17 - C4D R18 - C4D R19
软件版本: Version: WTools3D LWCAD v2018.1
系统平台: Win MAC 
软件语言: 英文 
插件来源: http://soft.c4d.cn
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