C4D三维卡通角色绑定雪人场景动画教程Create 3D short animation using Cinema 4D R18 

2018-08-01 09:00 发布 | 作品版权归原作者所有,仅供参考学习,禁止商业使用!

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C4D三维卡通角色绑定雪人场景动画教程 Udemy – Create 3D short animation using Cinema 4D R18
C4D三维卡通角色绑定雪人场景动画教程Create 3D short animation using Cinema 4D R18 - C4D之家 - 屏幕快照 2018-07-31 19.07.53.jpg
在这期C4D视频教程中,作者将向您解释如何使用Cinema 4D R18创建卡通雪人动画。包括如何对卡通人物进行建模,以移动并将其导出到其他程序,如Adobe After Effects或ZBrush或Autodesk Maya ,以及如何创建Landscape景观并将其包含在项目中。还将解释如何为角色添加骨骼绑定,方便移动角色并为其添加关键帧动画。
In this course I will show you how to model the cartoon character and how to move it and export it to other programs such as Adobe After Effects or Z Brush or Autodesk Maya.. And I took for example snowman character.As well as how to create Landscape and include it on the project .. And also will explain how to add bones for Rigging to move the characters.You will benefit from this course Learn how to create 3D ainmation using Cinema 4D R18 .

How to make a 3D short cartoons
How to Model Characters in Cinema 4D
Learn how to make characters with animation
Explain the basics of using the (Rigging) in C4D
Explain how to build a Landscape
Explain the export of Cinema 4D files to Adobe After Effects
Learn the basics of the animation industry
Learn how to use the tools in Cinema 4D

Introduction 47:50
Introduction  01:43
Modeling the body 07:26
Modeling the hands 04:26
Merge hands with body 03:37
Modeling the mouth 05:50
Modeling the buttons 06:08
Modeling the hat 05:12
Adding Snow & modeling landscape 08:09
adding sky and lights 01:31
compeleting the modeling 03:48
Rigging the Character 42:35
Rigging (Adding bones and controls) 12:03
importing landscape to Character 02:16
Animation 20:19
Export the project to Adobe After Effect and complete it 07:57


教程格式: MP4 
教程语言: 英文
教程性质: 普通教程
教程作者: Udemy
教程来源: www.c4d.cn
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