C4Dfree插件排行榜前5名 Top 5 Best Free Cinema 4D Plugins 

2018-07-16 15:00 发布 | 作品版权归原作者所有,仅供参考学习,禁止商业使用!

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C4Dfree插件排行榜前5名 Top 5 Best Free Cinema 4D Plugins
Best Cinema 4D Plugin #5: ArrowMaker

ArrowMaker is a free plugin for Cinema 4D that generates an arrow shape as a spline primitive. The shape itself can be customized to create a ton of of different arrow types, then used in an Extrude or Sweep NURBS to generate a mesh. Here’s a tutorial I made years ago showing how to use it:
C4Dfree插件排行榜前5名 Top 5 Best Free Cinema 4D Plugins - C4D之家 - arrowmaker-examples.jpg
Best Cinema 4D Plugin #4: Screw Generator

The C4D Screw Generator plugin is created by Fuchs & Vogel. It’s a great way to add a lot of detail to any of your models. Included are 7 main screw presets and then you can further customize them in various ways. I find myself using this all the time!
C4Dfree插件排行榜前5名 Top 5 Best Free Cinema 4D Plugins - C4D之家 - Free-Screw-Generator-Xpresso-Rig-C4D-Maxon.jpg
排行榜第3名:C4D弹性动画效果插件Best Cinema 4D Plugin #3: Gelatine

This awesome free Gélatine Plugin is created by Code Vonc. It’s sort of like the jiggle deformer, but has a lot more options and is really fast to work with. Unlike the jiggle deformer you can have more flabby effects, work with multiple objects, set handle points and use a simple fall-off curve to effect the animation. It’s really easy to specify which parts of the model should wobble and which should be stiffer. Overall a super fun and useful plugin, especially for infographic type work.
C4Dfree插件排行榜前5名 Top 5 Best Free Cinema 4D Plugins - C4D之家 - 095612hquqnsmotq73wu3r.jpg
Best Cinema 4D Plugin #2: ReeperX Rope Generator

A plugin I find myself using all the time is ReeperX. Reeper means Rope Maker in German, so there you go. You can create 4 different styles of rope with the new 2.0 update. You can also use it to create cables or telephone wires etc. Lots of great uses for it!
C4Dfree插件排行榜前5名 Top 5 Best Free Cinema 4D Plugins - C4D之家 - pexels-photo-1457787.jpg
Best Cinema 4D Plugin #1: Hot4D Ocean Generator

The free HOT4D plugin is absolutely incredible! It’s a wave and ocean generator which is a great start for any ocean/water scenes. Here are a few samples plus a tutorial I made on it awhile ago:

C4Dfree插件排行榜前5名 Top 5 Best Free Cinema 4D Plugins - C4D之家 - 401775547_1280x720.jpg

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软件性质: 插件 
适用版本: C4D R15 - C4D R16 - C4D R17 - C4D R18 - C4D R19
软件版本: Version: unknown
系统平台: Win MAC 
软件语言: 英文 
插件来源: http://soft.c4d.cn
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