C4D低多边形楼房建模教程 Low Poly Modeling in Cinema 4D – Vol 1: 3D Buildings 

2018-02-07 08:00 发布 | 作品版权归原作者所有,仅供参考学习,禁止商业使用!

视频教程 /[建筑/环境]
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C4D低多边形楼房建模教程 Udemy – Low Poly Modeling in Cinema 4D – Vol 1: 3D Buildings
C4D低多边形楼房建模教程 Low Poly Modeling in Cinema 4D – Vol 1: 3D Buildings - C4D之家 - Low-Poly-Modeling-in-Cinema-4D-Vol-1-3D-Buildings-1.jpg

Learn to model and texture beautiful low poly buildings in Cinema 4D. Low poly modeling in Cinema 4D: The easy way!

Create beautiful low poly buildings using Cinema 4D.
Understand the low poly modeling pipeline in Cinema 4D.
Texture low poly objects using selection sets.
Apply their new knowledge in different Cinema 4D projects.
Become more confident and fluent in Cinema 4D.

Students taking this course should know the basics of Cinema 4D and 3D in general.
Students should have Cinema 4D installed in their computers (any version).
Students must have a desire to learn and practice new 3D skills starting from Day 1.
In this course you  will learn the process of creating beautiful low poly buildings in Cinema 4D. We will start with an empty file and work our way up to modeling and texturing 8 different low poly buildings.

We will use a variety of modeling techniques and also a recycling method that will help you save lots of time in this and any other project you work in the future.

We will also use different selection sets to be able to texture our objects without the need of UV mapping.

This course focuses on creating the different buildings you can see in the promo video, but you can use the techniques you learn here to create any other low poly building you desire.

I’m confident that at the end of this course you will have a solid understanding of the low poly modeling process and you will be able to start creating your own amazing 3D art.

This course is for people interested in modeling high quality low poly objects in Cinema 4D.
This course is for anyone interested in improving their Cinema 4D skills.
This course is for 3D sudents who want to take their skills to the next level.
This course is for beginners and intermediate students.

预览 00:38
Work Along and Take Notes
预览 00:00
Creating the First Building
5 Lectures 43:16
Creating the Second Building
3 Lectures 30:02
Creating the Third Building
3 Lectures 24:59
Creating the Fourth Building
4 Lectures 28:45
Creating Two More Buildings Using the Recycling Method
4 Lectures 33:05
Creating the Seventh Building
3 Lectures 26:25
Creating the Eighth Building
2 Lectures 10:53
Final Thoughts
2 Lectures 02:34


教程格式: MP4 
教程语言: 英文
教程性质: 普通教程
教程作者: Udemy
教程来源: www.c4d.cn
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