C4D无人机建模基础教程 Pluralsight – CINEMA 4D Modeling Fundamentals 

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视频教程 /[建模/雕刻]
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C4D无人机建模基础教程 Pluralsight – Cinema 4D Modeling Fundamentals
C4D无人机建模基础教程 Pluralsight – CINEMA 4D Modeling Fundamentals - C4D之家 - cinema-4d-modeling-fundamentals-v1.jpg
In this course, CINEMA 4D Modeling Fundamentals, you’ll learn about CINEMA 4D’s powerful modeling tools and its hierarchy-based workflow that will make your modeling process extremely flexible. First, you’ll explore how to create simple geometry in CINEMA 4D and manipulate it in your scenes. Next, you’ll discover a variety of polygon modeling tools that will allow you to add edges, extrude faces, and shape your geometry. Then, you’ll delve into using generators to create geometry from primitive or custom splines, how to smooth objects with a subdivision surface, and how you can modulate the edge hardness. Finally, you’ll cover some MoGraph tools that will let you easily work with duplicates in your scenes. By the end of this course, you’ll have a better understanding of how these tools work together, you’ll be able to create your own modeling solutions, and really come up with a workflow that’s comfortable

教程时长:Duration 5h 32m
Course Overview1m 2s
Course Overview1m 2s
Blocking out the Drone Body51m 33s
Geometry Primer6m 20s
Setting up a Scale Template5m 51s
Building an Arm with Polygons8m 48s
Shaping the Arms10m 12s
Detailing Arms with Extrusions6m 39s
Duplicating the Arms5m 36s
Shaping the Body8m 4s
Detailing the Drone Body43m 54s
Modeling the Support Structure33m 43s
Building the Motors37m 33s
Modeling the Camera Assembly Base52m 43s
Modeling the Camera1h 10m
Materials, Textures, and Rendering42m 0s


教程格式: MP4 
教程语言: 英文
教程性质: 普通教程
教程作者: Pluralsight
教程来源: www.c4d.cn
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