C4D R19新功能教程 Lynda – Cinema 4D R19 New Features 

2017-09-09 10:52 发布 | 作品版权归原作者所有,仅供参考学习,禁止商业使用!

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C4D R19新功能特性全面介绍教程Lynda – Cinema 4D R19: New Features 含英文字幕 C4D R19新功能教程 Lynda – Cinema 4D R19 New Features - C4D之家 - cinema4d_-2017-09-09-10.46.53.jpg

C4D R19正式版刚刚出来,和谐版还需要等一段时间,可以先看下Lynda出品的C4D R19新功能介绍教程一睹为快,着重介绍实时预览的材质灯光环境等,泰森分裂细节的处理,声音效果器来制作尤其的动画,VR球型摄像机等
C4D R19新功能教程 Lynda – Cinema 4D R19 New Features - C4D之家 - cinema4d_-2017-09-09-10.49.21.jpg
About this video

Explore the latest features in Cinema 4D R19. Discover how to work with the improved viewport, create animations that react to the beat of music, render your scenes as immersive VR experiences, and more.

Join Andy Needham as he runs down the latest features in Cinema 4D R19. Discover how to leverage this new functionality to quickly create strikingly realistic renders. Here, Andy explains how to work with PBR materials and lights, covers improvements to the viewport, and shows how to use the latest detailing and gluing features in the Voronoi Fracture object. Plus, he demonstrates how to use the new sound effector to create animations that react to the beat of music, work with the Spherical camera to render your scenes as immersive VR experiences, and more.
Topics include:

Working with ProRender
Improved viewport reflections
Working with DOF in the viewport
Voronoi Fracture
New modifier keys for creating objects
Improvements to the Motion Tracker object
Working with Scene Reconstruction
Using the Spherical camera for VR output


教程格式: MP4 
教程语言: 英文
教程性质: 普通教程
教程作者: Lynda
教程来源: www.c4d.cn
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