C4D Mograph好的系统学习视频教程第七卷Cinema 4D Ultimate Learning System 2.0 

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C4D Mograph好的系统学习视频教程第七卷Cinema 4D Ultimate Learning System 2.0 Volume 7 Mograph C4D Mograph好的系统学习视频教程第七卷Cinema 4D Ultimate Learning System 2.0 - C4D之家 - 583604920.jpg

Volume 7 of the Ultimate C4D Learning System主要系统介绍C4D Mograph核心功能。克隆工具用来快速制造和操作副本对象动画。这期视频教程是一个全面的概述Mographs工具和效果器,包括随机,步幅,着色器,和声音文件;分组对象效应器,包括moinstance和断裂,刚体和柔体动态,和样条工具,包括tracer和mospline对象。这期 Mograph教程可以很快学会这些工具和掌握C4D动画工作流。Volume 7 of the Ultimate C4D Learning System introduces Mograph, the heart of Cinema 4D. At its base, Mograph is a cloner tool used to quickly make and manipulate copies of an object to create motion graphics. This volume is a comprehensive overview of the Mographs tools and effectors, including the random, step, shaders, and sound files; grouped object effectors, including moinstance and fracture, rigid and soft body dynamics, and spline tools, including the tracer, and mospline object. This Mograph volume will give you the tools and workflow you need to master motion graphics in C4D.
C4D Mograph好的系统学习视频教程第七卷Cinema 4D Ultimate Learning System 2.0 - C4D之家 - 未命名.jpg
Volume 7 of the Ultimate C4D Learning System introduces Mograph, the heart of Cinema 4D. At its base, Mograph is a cloner tool used to quickly make and manipulate copies of an object to create motion graphics. This volume is a comprehensive overview of the Mographs tools and effectors, including the random, step, shaders, and sound files; grouped object effectors, including moinstance and fracture, rigid and soft body dynamics, and spline tools, including the tracer, and mospline object. This Mograph volume will give you the tools and workflow you need to master motion graphics in C4D.
Chapter 1 – Cloners
This chapter is the introduction to cloners, the heart of Mograph. We review different distribution modes including linear step values, radial, and grid. Then we use an object or spline distribution mode, and introduce using multiple objects in a cloner. In conclusion, we take a look at nesting cloners within cloners.
Chapter 2 – Effectors
Learn to use effectors to create changes in one or all of your clones. In this chapter we’ll review parameters and falloff. Every effector has many characteristics in common so first we go over the uses of the plane effector such as the different falloff types and different parameters that can be effected. Next, we'll go over the delay effector to easily create secondary movement or a wake-like effect, and the random effector to easily randomize parameters. Finally, we'll show how to stack multiple effectors to have them affect individual areas.
Chapter 3 - Effectors continued
This chapter will review the sound effector which uses sounds to affect parameters such as scale, etc. Also, I'll show some features such as the ability to filter sounds and having the frequency of the sound affect the color of your object.
Chapter 4 - Effectors conclusion
This section will go over the spline effector which enables you to use one or more spline shapes to have your cloners adopt multiple spline-based shapes.
Chapter 5 - Tracer
The tracer object creates trails (splines) from particles and from animated geometry (vertices). In this chapter, we'll show how to use this with other C4D tools such as sweep and spline deform.
Chapter 6 - MoInstance
MoInstance allows you to create after images (clones) that can be affected by any of the MoGraph effectors. Leave little clones behind when you animate your MoInstance object!
Chapter 7 - MoDynamics
C4D's robust dynamics tools are fully integrated into MoGraph. You can have hard and soft body simulations that can affect either the cloner as a group or as individuals. The fracture object in particular can be useful for creating dynamic destruction.
About The Instructor
After studying film and sculpture at the San Francisco Art Institute, Greg Kulz began working full-time as an artist in the SF Bay Area. Always interested in experimenting with new techniques and methods, Greg turned to 3D motion graphics as his new medium in 2001. Since that time, he has worked on such projects as the Team America and WWE video games, Ironman, various short films and a number of product modeling contracts for corporate clients including Sony, Panasonic and Frito-Lay. Greg's first love remains character creation, but he also enjoys working with motion graphics, texturing, and modeling.

教程格式: MP4 
教程语言: 英文
教程性质: 普通教程
教程作者: CMIVFX
教程来源: www.c4d.cn
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