C4D WinGen v1.51 R13 for Mac/PC和谐版(MAC亲测可用)(C4D WinGen v1.51 R13 for Mac / PC cracked version (MAC pro-test available))
-- Installation --
Extract the archive into your cinema4d/plugins folder.
Upon restarting cinema, the plugin is available from the plugin menu.
-- Update --
When you are updating from a previous version of the plugin, the following procedure is advised:
1. backup your presets folder, if you have saved your own presets
2. delete the winGen folder from your plugins directory
3. extract the new plugin version into your plugins directory
4. if you made a backup of your presets, copy them into the winGen folder again
If you did not create your own presets, you only need to follow steps 2 and 3.
-- Demo mode --
To use the plugin in demo-mode, just install it with a demo version of Cinema 4D.
All of the functoinality will be there, but you cant save any scenes.
-- Use --
Select an object in the Object Manager that you want to paint a window on,
for example the wall of a house, a cube or an ExtrudeNURBS.
Nearly all object-types are supported, just keep in mindy that you can paint windows
only on flat surfaces. Then select the placementTool from the Plugins-Menu and
drag a rectangle onto the wall in the viewport. A window will appear, and a
WindowGenerator Object is inserted into the scene.
You may then adjust the settings of the generator to change the look of the window,
or load another style from the preset browser by pressing the load 'window button'
in the Object-Tab of the WindowGenerator.
-- Disclaimer --
Neither DNS-Plugins nor Daniel Schild can be held responsible for any
damages or loss of data that may occur during the use of this plugin.
The software is provided AS IS with no warranties. Use at your own risk!
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