C4D教程:照片写实室内设计建模渲染培训教程Modeling for Photorealistic Interiors 

2016-07-09 11:02 发布 | 作品版权归原作者所有,仅供参考学习,禁止商业使用!

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C4D教程:照片写实室内设计建模渲染培训教程Modeling for Photorealistic Interiors - C4D之家 - Pluralsight – Modeling for Photorealistic Interiors with CINEMA 4D.jpg

C4D教程:照片写实室内设计建模渲染案例培训教程Pluralsight–Modeling for Photorealistic Interiors with Cinema 4Dfree下载

教程名字:Pluralsight – Modeling for Photorealistic Interiors with CINEMA 4D

更新时间: 2016,7,8
语言: 英语(无中文翻译字幕)
教程级别: 实用进阶
使用软件: Cinema 4D R17 (三维软件中文版Maxon Cinema 4D R17 Win/Mac完整版和谐版含注册机)
持续时间: 6小时
项目文件: 包括

对于真实照片写实的CGI室内建模的方法令人望而生畏。在这个过程中,使用CINEMA 4D制作逼真的室内设计建模,你会看到所有涉及,使用平面图和立面图造型内部的结构的步骤。您将收集参考图像和设置,在Photoshop和CINEMA 4D,模拟房间的建筑元素,以帮助启动。该课程的大部分将集中在模拟家居房间,包括家具,纺织品,植物,架子和附件的内部。zui*后,你会采取在现场zui*后一下,看看是否有什么需要改变或修改。本课程结束时,你就会有模拟一个完整的休息室内,准备好灯光,材质和渲染。所需软件:CINEMA 4D。

The process of modeling entire interiors for photorealistic CGI can seem daunting, but it doesn’t need to be. In this course, Modeling for Photorealistic Interiors with CINEMA 4D, you will see all the steps involved in modeling the architecture of an interior using floor plans and elevations. You will start with gathering reference images and setting them up in Photoshop and Cinema 4D to aid in modeling the architectural elements of the room. The bulk of the course will focus on modeling everything for the inside of the room including furniture, fabrics, plants, shelving, and accessories. Finally, you’ll take a final look at the scene to see if anything needs to be changed or modified. By the end of this course, you’ll have modeled an entire lounge interior that’s ready for lighting, texturing, and rendering. Required Software: CINEMA 4D.



教程格式: MP4 
教程语言: 英文
教程性质: 普通教程
教程作者: cinema4d
教程来源: http://c4dsky.com/22333.html
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