DT C4D运动图形效果器全面教程(15集/含工程文件) 

2016-07-06 19:11 发布 | 作品版权归原作者所有,仅供参考学习,禁止商业使用!

视频教程 /[动画/绑定]
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DT C4D运动图形效果器全面教程(15集/含工程文件) Digital Tutors – MoGraph Effector Reference Library for Cinema 4D DT C4D运动图形效果器全面教程(15集/含工程文件) - C4D之家 - mograph-effector-reference-library-cinema-4d-1094-v1.jpg
In this series of tutorials, we will be taking a detailed look at each of CINEMA 4D’s MoGraph Effector nodes. Each video is a self-contained tutorial centering on one of the many MoGraph nodes available in CINEMA 4D. This means that these tutorials can be viewed in any order you wish, allowing you to jump straight to the content that is most relevant to you. Over the course of these tutorials, we will learn how each node works and best practices to utilize for attaining desired results while saving time.
MoGraph Effector Reference Library for CINEMA 4D content:
1. The MoGraph Effector tab
2. The MoGraph Parameter tab – part 1
3. The MoGraph Parameter tab – part 2
4. The MoGraph Deformer tab
5. The MoGraph Falloff tab
6. The MoGraph Delay Effector
7. The MoGraph Formula Effector
8. The MoGraph Inheritance Effector
9. The MoGraph Random Effector
10. The MoGraph Shader Effector
11. The MoGraph Spline Effector
12. The MoGraph Step Effector
13. The MoGraph Target Effector
14. The MoGraph Time Effector
15. The MoGraph Volume Effector


教程格式: FLV 
教程语言: 英文
教程性质: 普通教程
教程作者: Digitaltutors
教程来源: https://www.digitaltutors.com/
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