C4D节点材质插件 cmnodes – Cinema 4D nodes QuickTip 

2016-06-20 08:00 发布 | 作品版权归原作者所有,仅供参考学习,禁止商业使用!

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C4D节点材质插件 cmnodes – Cinema 4D nodes QuickTip       
C4D节点材质插件 cmnodes – Cinema 4D nodes QuickTip - C4D之家 - cmnodessplash.jpg C4D节点材质插件 cmnodes – Cinema 4D nodes QuickTip - C4D之家 - cinema4d_ 2016-06-19 00.06.57.jpg
cmNodes for R13!
This release is essentially the same as the previous 1.5.07 build, but now with support for R13.
I am still working on new stuff as I can, and there have been some interesting developments with the vrayForC4D team (more on that later). I'm working on a variety of specular and reflection models, and I've got some more optimizations and improvements cooking.
20140511 I've received a couple of suggestions from Maxon for getting the Subsurface Scattering (SSS) shader to work with cmNodes. Both methods involve sneaking in a SSS shader to force the cache building.
The first (cmnodes_sss_workaround_01.c4d) involves adding a layer shader to an unused material channel (the Color channel in the simple example) and hiding a SSS shader in there.
The second (cmnodes_sss_workaround_02.c4d) involves putting the SSS shader in a material which is then applied "underneath" the cmNodes material.
Update for R17 - 20150909
cmNodes 1.5.89 has been built for R15 and will work with R17. This is a recompile of the previous build, so no new features or major changes.

C4D节点材质插件 cmnodes – Cinema 4D nodes QuickTip - C4D之家 - d.jpg

软件性质: 插件 
适用版本: 1 2 3 4 5
软件版本: Version: cmNodes_1.5.89
系统平台: Win MAC 
软件语言: 英文 
插件来源: http://www.cmstuff.com/article/1012/cmnodes+for+r13
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