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教程格式: | MP4 |
教程语言: | 英文 |
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教程性质: | 普通教程 |
教程作者: | 网络 |
教程来源: | 网络 |
- 软件插件介绍之二十二:Unfold3d入门
- 数字人C4D贴图雕刻UV之八:再谈C4D的UV
- C4D快速展UV中文实例教程(十点半/豆腐出品)
- C4D贴图绘制好的系统学习视频教程第八卷 Cinema 4D Ultimate Learning System 2.0
- C4D展UV贴图教程 UV Unwrapping in Cinema 4D
- C4D瓶子标签制作教程 Cinema 4D – How to Put Labels on 3D Objects Introduction
- C4D搭配RizomUV,SP软件展UV教程Cinema 4D to Rizom UV to Substance Painter Workflow
- C4D Redhisft不展UV创建曲面 Creating detailed surface without UV-unwrap
- C4D无人机硬面建模贴图渲染绑定动画教程 Gumroad – Advanced Hard Surface Product Modeling and Rendering Tutorial
- C4D快速展UV插件 FD UVToolkit 1.1 For C4D R23-2024