C4D OBJ格式导入导出插件 RiptidePro v2p5 

2015-12-31 22:29 发布 | 作品版权归原作者所有,仅供参考学习,禁止商业使用!

插件脚本 /[导入/导出]
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本帖zui*后由 3dmodel 于 2015-12-31 22:58 编辑

C4D OBJ格式导入导出插件 Riptide Pro v2.5 - for C4D R13.012 or later, Mac (32bit & 64bit) & PC (32 & 64bit) C4D OBJ格式导入导出插件 RiptidePro v2p5 - C4D之家 - xp_anim.jpg

Riptide Pro is a plugin for Cinema 4D to extend it's .obj file import/export capabilities. This is an enhanced commercial version of my Riptide plugin.
To activate the 30-day Free Trial, enter DEMO as a registration key. Once the trial period is up, you'll need to purchase a license to continue using the plugin. For details and purchasing information, please see the Riptide Pro product page.
This package includes both the PC (32 & 64-bit) and Mac Universal Binary (32 & 64-bit) versions of the plugin for Cinema 4D R13.012 or later.
Installation Instructions

1. download the file using the download link, below.
2. If Cinema4D is running, save your work and shut it down.
3. Copy/Move the .zip file to your C4D "plugins" folder and unzip it there.
4. (re)start Cinema4D
there are other methods of achieving some of the above steps, depending on your unzip program and your particular normal practices. The point to take from the above is that you should end up with a "Riptide Pro" folder, inside your Cinema4D "plugins" folder.
Once the plugin is installed and Cinema 4D is running again, you can access the full HTML documentation by selecting the Riptide Pro "Help" menu.
本贴插件为试用版,本站有汉化和谐版可用,请自行搜索。Riptide Pro - $50.00 USD


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