C4D插件:样条切割MG动画插件含中文简体汉化Rendertom SliceItUp v1.2.2 

2015-12-27 16:25 发布 | 作品版权归原作者所有,仅供参考学习,禁止商业使用!

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C4D插件:样条切割MG动画插件含中文简体汉化Rendertom SliceItUp v1.2.2 - C4D之家 - AEscripts Slice it Up Cinema 4D.jpg

C4D插件:样条切割MG动画插件含中文简体汉化+使用教程AEscripts Rendertom SliceItUp v1.2.2 for Cinema 4D R17 书生汉化

Slice it Up是Python驱动的Cinema 4D插件,可以重复切割样条线N次,并应用随机宽度样条遮罩,其封闭样条线到任意数量的垂直对齐切片。这些作品都汇聚奠定彼此创造不失真的图像。插件提供控制来设置随机或线性偏移到X,Y和Z位置每个切片,调节膨胀和旋转角度为遮罩。

Slice It Up for Cinema 4Dzui*灵活的东西,它为Cinema 4D提供的是在任何时候更改任何价值的能力 – 所有的控制都是活的,只要你不把切片它编辑。

Slice it Up is Python driven Cinema 4D plugin that cuts closed splines into any number of vertically aligned slices by duplicating it N times and applying random width spline masks to it. Those pieces are brought together and laid one to another to create undistorted image. Plugin provides controls to set random or linear offset to X, Y and Z position for each slice, adjust the expansion and rotation angles for the mask.

The most flexible thing that Slice It Up for Cinema 4D provides is the ability to change any values at any given time – all controls are live, as long as you don’t make Slice it Up editable.

插件支持:Cinema 4d R17
C4D插件安装方法:复制插件到C:Program FilesMAXONCINEMA 4D R17plugins
百度云下载地址 :

软件性质: 插件 
适用版本: 5
软件版本: Rendertom SliceItUp v1.2.2
系统平台: Win 
软件语言: 英文 
插件来源: http://c4dsky.com/16739.html
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