C4D曲线样条建模综合训练教程Lynda - Primitive and Spline Modeling in CINEMA 4D 

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C4D曲线样条建模综合训练教程Lynda - Primitive and Spline Modeling in Cinema 4D
C4D曲线样条建模综合训练教程Lynda - Primitive and Spline Modeling in CINEMA 4D - C4D之家 - cinema4d_ 2015-12-12 18.25.40.jpg
Primitive and Spline Modeling in CINEMA 4D
2h 53m Intermediate Feb 13, 2014
Viewers: 3,422
The primitive and spline modeling tools are universal across all levels of CINEMA 4D (including C4D Lite) and they're some of the best ways to model mechanical objects and other complex objects made of simpler parts. In this course, Donovan Keith shows you how to take a reference photograph and create a model from its shapes and pieces. You'll learn to prep your primitive components and move them into position with the snapping tools. Then you'll deform and combine shapes, duplicating and reusing elements to increase your efficiency, and create a more consistent model. Last, you'll work with splines—extruding objects to give them depth, creating models around an axis with lathes, and stretching surfaces over splines with lofts.
Topics include:

Modeling what you see
Grouping objects into components
Aligning and spacing objects with the Arrange tool
Modifying basic shapes with deformers
Creating live copies with the Instance object
Understanding spline types
Collecting reference material
Working with splines
Creating a simple extrusion
Creating sweeps, lathes, and lofts


教程格式: MP4 
教程语言: 英文
教程性质: 普通教程
教程作者: Lynda
教程来源: www.c4d.cn
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