C4D虚线样条插件汉化版Tools4D-Stipple Modifier
Tools4D Stipple Modifier System Requirements • Maxon Cinema4D R13 or greater • PC&MAC64bitOnly • 8GB Ram installing the plugin the plugin • Most plugins come as a simple zip file which contains everything the plugin needs. • All you need to do with a plugin zip file is extract it to your plugins folder and restart Cinema4D. Where is my plugin folder There are a few places where you can install plugins in C4D. • Navigate to your cinema4d install folder where you may be able to install plugins. • Open your C4D preferences and look at the bottom of the dialog. Locate and press the button at the bottom "Open Preferences Folder" you should find a folder in there called plugins. You may extract plugins to either of these locations. How do I access this plugin • This is a modifier plugin which you can access from the main plugins menu. How do I use this plugin • Create a Spline • Create a Stipple Modifier Object (this plugin) • Insert the stipple Modifier, as a child of the spline (underneath it) • Adjust the settings.
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