C4D vray室内教程Tuto.com - Rendu dintérieur avec Vray - Vray for C4D 

2015-09-25 17:32 发布 | 作品版权归原作者所有,仅供参考学习,禁止商业使用!

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C4D vray室内教程Tuto.com - Rendu dintérieur avec Vray - Vray for C4D
C4D vray室内教程Tuto.com - Rendu dintérieur avec Vray - Vray for C4D - C4D之家 - vrayinteieurrenderfinal.jpg
The first part is devoted to the modeling of the room, furniture and different elements. We will model only the main elements of our scene : room, sofa, furniture , fridge, sink ... ( technique remains the same for other objects).
    The second part of this course will be devoted to Vray . We use a Sunlight to simulate sunlight and then we will see the different parameters of the Vray Physical Camera (similar to a DSLR camera ) . Then we will render settings and the Global Illumination engine to understand its operation. I'll explain later how to significantly increase the quality of your reports through Linear Workflow and Color Mapping the gamma correction . We will then create different materials to dress up our scene . Finally, we will see how to manage the DOF (depth of field ) and apply photographic techniques Post- production at our record.

For those wishing to go directly to the section on Vray , all of the modeled scene is provided as an attachment with all textures and references.
Main points discussed during this training Vray :

    Customizing a dedicated workspace .
    Polygonal modeling tools .
    Layers Cinema 4D .
    Vray Light Tag Sun .
    Tag Vray Physical Camera (ISO , shutter speed , F -stop ... ) .
    Creation of different materials (chrome , plastic, ... SSS ) .
    Manage the DOF ( depth of field) .
    Vray render settings .
    Setting the Color Mapping , Linear Workflow and Gamma .
    Understand and configure precisely the GI .
    Post -production techniques in Photoshop.

At the end of this training Vray for Cinema 4D , you will have the essential foundation for proper use Vray and practice at your accomplishments.

For this tutorial , I'm using version 11.5 of Cinema4D , but it can be followed without problems with earlier versions . No plug-in Cinema 4D is required for the realization of this model . Is also used Photoshop software for post-production phase .


教程格式: MP4 
教程语言: 英文
教程性质: 普通教程
教程作者: Tuto
教程来源: http://www.c4dcn.com/
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