FXPHD - Cinema4D 和 after effects 制作项目教程 C4DR17 Cinema4D Project Workshop 

2015-08-31 10:18 发布 | 作品版权归原作者所有,仅供参考学习,禁止商业使用!

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FXPHD - Cinema4D 和 after effects 制作项目教程 C4DR17 Cinema4D Project Workshop
FXPHD - Cinema4D 和 after effects 制作项目教程 C4DR17 Cinema4D Project Workshop - C4D之家 - cinema4d_ 2015-08-31 10.16.18.jpg
Tim Clapham returns to FXPHD with a new Cinema 4D course aimed at intermediate users. This course consists of several short projects which will take you through many features of Cinema 4D using a practical approach. Tim covers key features such as MoGraph, Dynamics and Xpresso as well as workflow tricks to facilitate efficient production. You will explore modelling techniques, material and shader creation, lighting and rendering. 3D Rendering and compositing go hand in hand and Tim includes After Effects as part of the classes. Taking your multipass renders and camera information from Cinema 4D into After Effects to add supers, graphic elements and to grade shots. This is a fast paced course so some Cinema 4D experience is required.

Based in Sydney Australia, Tim Clapham is a multi-disciplinary animator and compositor. Evolving from a solid foundation in traditional animation using both Film and Video, Tim soon transitioned into the digital domain and has forged a solid career in the world of Motion Graphics. With over 13 years of industry experience, Tim is accomplished with many 3D animation and Digital Compositing applications.

As the owner of Motion Graphics and Animation company Luxx, Tim is hands on with every project that the company produces. With a history of working with many global Advertising and Broadcast companies, the work Tim produces is both technically challenging whilst maintaining innovation and high quality.
course syllabus

Class 1: In the first class we create a logo ID using a rig built with MoGraph and Xpresso. We create several animated shots, add materials and lighting. Finally we render the result using Cinema 4D's physical renderer. Part 1 of 2
Class 2: This week we add materials using multi-layered reflectance to the scene. Adding reflections using both HDRI and luminant objects. We animate the effectors and a camera rig. Using multiple render settings for efficiency we preview our shots and setup the final rendering.
Class 3: Building an animated map with Cinema 4D & After Effects. This week we look at the Landscape Object, DEM Earth and the Relief Object. Build texture maps in AE, then use them in combination with various shaders to create our materials. Finally we add some basic Volumetric Clouds.
Class 4: Part 2 of 2 of building an animated map
Class 5: Part 1 of 4 week class. Creating a pack shot animation. This week we model the can and ice cubes. Using knife, extrude, edge extrude, symmetry and sub-division surfaces. Using Cloner and Correction deformer to create variations and model procedurally.
Class 6: Part 2 of 4 week class. (This is an extended class at 1hr 15mins) This week we create materials for the can and the ice cube. Working with shaders such as Fresnel, Noise and the Reflectance Channels. Using Mograph to model additional elements such as condensation, bubbles and cracks.
Class 7: Part 3 of 4 week class. This week we optimize our scenes for efficiency and use proxies to speed up playback. Working with Rigid Body Dynamics as well as various MoGraph effectors to simulate the cans dropping into a pile of ice.
Class 8: Part 4 of 4 week class. We adjust the scene to make the dynamics more stable then prepare the project for multipass rendering. In After Effects we comp the passes together exploring a few options for isolating elements for colour correction.
Class 9: Part 1 of 2 week class. Introducing the Motion Tracker in Cinema 4D. We track and solve a shot then calibrate the resulted camera and features using constraints.
Class 10: Part 2 of 2 week class. Using the features we created from tracking we create some simple geometry which will allow us to reflect the scene onto our objects, catch shadows and can be used for dynamic collisions. Using multipass rendering we output the scene and create a basic comp in After Effects.


教程格式: MP4 
教程语言: 英文
教程性质: 普通教程
教程作者: FXPHD
教程来源: www.c4d.cn
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