C4D R16快速渲染设置教程 3DFluff – Cinema 4D R16 HighSpeed Rendering 

2015-08-11 20:42 发布 | 作品版权归原作者所有,仅供参考学习,禁止商业使用!

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C4D R16快速渲染设置教程 3DFluff – Cinema 4D R16 HighSpeed Rendering
C4D R16快速渲染设置教程 3DFluff – Cinema 4D R16 HighSpeed Rendering - C4D之家 - WRqqN30.jpg
讲解C4D R16的OpenGL设置,材质,渲染技巧,GI设置等场景渲染之前需要注意的一些细节
Sat around waiting for the render to finish? Impatiently plodding through your project as the screen slowly updates? You’re in the right place.
Starting off with the real-time OpenGL editor we walk you through everything you didn’t know. How to adjust your OpenGL settings to boost the frame rate, how to manage large bulky projects which bring your system to its knees and most importantly, how to get everything running more smoothly again.
Did you know for example one of the worst offenders is how many times a UVW map references the same part of a material? Probably not, but don’t worry, we’ll show you why this is a problem and how to sort it out
Then of course there is the dreaded rendering. If you are ever going to get stressed whilst working with a 3D package, it will be the rendering that does it. Will you hit your deadline? will it look good enough when the render finishes?
We walk you through how to control your Anti-aliasing, make use of the physical render engine to speed things up and throw in a bunch of extra tips to get you through. Importantly we also spend a good bit of time dealing with global illumination; how to get it rendering quickly, how to make it fast and stable for animations and how to deal with Team Render issues when they arise.
All information is compatible with every version of Cinema 4D from R11.5 upwards with the exception of Global Illumination, these chapters require at least R15. 3 hours of video in total. Learn something new in 30 minutes or your next pizza is free!


教程格式: MP4 
教程语言: 英文
教程性质: 普通教程
教程作者: 3DFluff
教程来源: www.c4d.cn
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