C4D/AE Tut: Depth Passes Made Easy + Frischluft Lenscare and Camera Lens Blur 

2012-07-14 23:19 发布 | 作品版权归原作者所有,仅供参考学习,禁止商业使用!

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C4D/AE Tut: Depth Passes Made Easy + Frischluft Lenscare and Camera Lens Blur - C4D之家 - timthumb.jpeg

In this C4D and After Effects Tutorial I’ll show you a very quick and easy way to set up your depth passes correctly so you can do your DOF in After Effects. This workflow will make it much easier, faster and more flexible to work with depth of field. I’ll show you two ways to use your depth pass, the free Camera Lens Blur and a plugin called Frischluft Lenscare.

Check out the plugin here for the best prices: bit.ly/MzicrM

Here is the shot using Frischluft Lenscare

C4D/AE Tut: Depth Passes Made Easy + Frischluft Lenscare and Camera Lens Blur - C4D之家 - 0.jpg

Here is the shot using the free Camera Lens Blur

C4D/AE Tut: Depth Passes Made Easy + Frischluft Lenscare and Camera Lens Blur - C4D之家 - 1.jpg

作品类型: 转载作品
作者信息: cinema4d
作品来源: WWW.C4D.CN
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